Exchange validation [-] exchange mailbox validation failed, code: MailboxUnreacheableCONFIGURATION INVALID Open up C:\ProgramData\Mimecast Synchronisation Engine\State Create global.ini file On the first line enter Mse.Core.Bridge.SecurityProtocol=4032 Save , restart the Mimecast Synchronisation Service , and […]
Category: Research
Research Undertaken
Netsuite – SPF Records
What a mission this was!Oracle netsuite just flat out refuse to give you a list of IP Address’ for their sending servers“Support will not provide a list […]
RegEx terms for Australian PII
Australian drivers’ licence: \b[A-Z0-9][0-9]{5,7}\bAustralian passport: \b[A-Z][0-9]{7}\bAustralian tax file number: \b[0-9]{3}( ?)[0-9]{3}\1[0-9]{2,3}\bExclude1 exclude “Automatic reply:” “Undeliverable:” “Accepted:”
Nimble Space Savings Estimator Script
We wanted to swap a new SAN for a customer and our distributor wanted us to run the Nimble Space Savings Estimator , to find out how […]
Mimecast Best Practice
Anti-Spoofing *Are these policies working for the organization? Please look toward the following link for better insight on the policy: Auto Allow Please consider the following for […]
Replay Inbound Messages Mimecast \ 365
Mimecast has a method to be able to replay emails to OnPremise Exchange which is neat We had a case needing to do this recently for a customer […]
Migrate Mailguard active whitelist to Mimecast managed senders
Both Mailguard and Mimecast have a list of allowed emails for users. When migrating from one platform to another you will need to copy these over.Mailguard does […]
MS August Rollup to domain controller – The Netlogon service denied a vulnerable Netlogon secure channel connection from a machine account.
Symptoms – staff unable to login to Outlook for Desktop Error found in event log on patched Domain controllerThe Netlogon service denied a vulnerable Netlogon secure channel connection […]
Can’t join Intune Device Managment – 0x80180014
Error is show per attached This is because Personal Enrollment is disabledGo to Intune Blade – Device Enrollment and Enrollment restrictions. Click on Default policy under Device Type […]
validation failed: invalid mimecast user or insufficient permissions
Trying to setup a Mimecast Sync Engine Application on Prem out the Box comes up with “validation failed: invalid mimecast user or insufficient permissions”This is because by default […]