Netsuite – SPF Records

What a mission this was!Oracle netsuite just flat out refuse to give you a list of IP Address’ for their sending servers“Support will not provide a list […]

RegEx terms for Australian PII

Australian drivers’ licence: \b[A-Z0-9][0-9]{5,7}\bAustralian passport: \b[A-Z][0-9]{7}\bAustralian tax file number: \b[0-9]{3}( ?)[0-9]{3}\1[0-9]{2,3}\bExclude1 exclude “Automatic reply:” “Undeliverable:” “Accepted:”

Mimecast Best Practice

Anti-Spoofing *Are these policies working for the organization? Please look toward the following link for better insight on the policy: Auto Allow Please consider the following for […]