Enabling LDAPS on Windows Core DCs using Enterprise CA

# Example .inf file:[Version]Signature=”$Windows NT$” [NewRequest]Subject = “CN=dcname.domain.com.au”KeySpec = 1KeyLength = 2048Exportable = TRUEMachineKeySet = TRUESMIME = FALSEPrivateKeyArchive = FALSEUserProtected = FALSEUseExistingKeySet = FALSEProviderName = “Microsoft RSA SChannel […]

VLC cannot find ChromeCast

Under Renderer there’s a Scan option. Click it to find your Chromecast. If VLC is stuck on scanning for renderer, you should use VLC to open a […]

Netsuite – SPF Records

What a mission this was!Oracle netsuite just flat out refuse to give you a list of IP Address’ for their sending servers“Support will not provide a list […]

RegEx terms for Australian PII

Australian drivers’ licence: \b[A-Z0-9][0-9]{5,7}\bAustralian passport: \b[A-Z][0-9]{7}\bAustralian tax file number: \b[0-9]{3}( ?)[0-9]{3}\1[0-9]{2,3}\bExclude1 exclude “Automatic reply:” “Undeliverable:” “Accepted:”

Mimecast Best Practice

SetupRemove text on stationary ( HTML and plain text ) before sending emails via MimecastDisable Office 365 Spam Filter  MaintenanceEnabled Digest Sets every Hour ( not every 4 […]