Category: Research
Research Undertaken
LocalizationKey ‘Assignment.ErrorResultCode.Mas.RequiredAssignedPlanMissing’ was not found
If you get the below issue , when trying to add a number , this is a ** Microsoft Outage ** Set-CsPhoneNumberAssignment -Identity “XXXXXXXXXXXX” -PhoneNumber “612XXXXXXXXXXX” -PhoneNumberType DirectRouting Microsoft.Teams.ConfigAPI.Cmdlets.internal\Set-CsPhoneNumberAssignment […]
fortigate ssl vpn can’t access root DNS namespace
sporadic issues where remote users on the VPN cannot browse the root domain \\domain.local however child shares are accessible such as \\domain.local\NETLOGONRe-configured the VPN to not use […]
OpenSSL Server 2012 – Verifying – Enter Export Password
I believe this only affects server 2012 but I’m documenting in here so I can look it up later.I use Openssl to create CSRs and merge my […]
Speeding up Addition in Arrays in Powershell
Note that the use of the += addition operator on an array in powershell can run /very/ slowly if you’re working with a large array. This is […]
Windows 10 Activation Issues
Error:Desktops showing activation errors randomly after 6 months or working fine.This is possibly caused after the reimaging done late last year but no idea why it takes […]
Reserved Names in Paths
Windows has several rules around naming files/folders/paths of these that I run into often enough to remember it’s a thing but not how to fix it is […]
Fortigate – How to force outbound connections to use a specific WAN connection locked down to Service
The normal way you would switch over a service to use a specific internet connection is Policy Routes , however you can’t define services like just httpsSD […]
Teams Calling Assigning Direct Routing Numbers To A User
Ensure the user you are assigning the number to has adequate licensing by logging into, select users -> active users -> *click the user you wish to […]
How to deploy Anaconda Environments via Intune
Normally you would package up a .bat file in a Win32 Application , however anaconda installs take quite a whole and the command windowBelow starts the command […]