AWS – Elastic Beanstalk – is in an invalid state for this operation. Must be Ready.

My Usual update of my elastic beanstalk didn’t work and I was alerted : 

  • Rollback of environment ttsweb1-env failed. Reason: The following resource(s) failed to update: [AWSEBRDSDatabase].
  • Address the preceding error and then start another environment update to complete the rollback.
  • Environment health has transitioned from Info to Degraded. Incorrect application version found on 1 out of 2 instances. Expected version “xxxxxxxx” (deployment 31). Configuration update failed 33 seconds ago and took 16 minutes.

Tried : 

  1. Go to your CloudFormantion and manually do the Rollback , then Then Manually perform the stack update
  2. Restarted EC2 Instance of Elastic Beanstalk
  3. Go to AutoScalingGroups , Dropped

Change your Elastic Group for your Beanstalk down to 0 

This will shutdown your EC2 Instance again then increase to one


In the end I had to decouple my RDS DB and spin up a new application and change my DNS over to the new server

In future now my database is decoupled I can rebuild my instance 


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