Bloomberg Folder and File Permissions

The default installation directory for the Bloomberg Terminal® is “\blp”. This location may be defined at the time of installation and does not affect the operation of the auto-update mechanism.
Please note: The initial installation of the Bloomberg Terminal® requires local administrative rights withwrite access to:

  •  %ProgramData%\{xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx} – these GUID values can change
    for different versions of our full admin installations
  •  %temp%
  • %appdata%

Initial installations of Bloomberg Office Tools® (included in the Bloomberg Terminal® software) and Auto-updates of Bloomberg Office Tools® require execution access granted to:

 %ProgramData%\miaXXXX.tmp\bxlain.exe – where %ProgramData%\miaXXXX.tmp is a temporary folder created by the installer and the “XXXX” is a placeholder for a generated hexadecimal number.

Users must also be permissioned with full control access to:

  • The root Bloomberg directory (e.g. C:\blp) ( Confirmed Computername\Users ) e.g. Domain users are added to this
  • %temp%\Bloomberg (and its subdirectories)
  •  %localappdata%\Bloomberg (and its subdirectories)

    The following folders, and their contents, must not be deleted:

  •  %appdata%\Microsoft\Word\Startup
  • %temp%\Bloomberg
  • %ProgramData%\{xxxx xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx }


Registry Rights
Users must have the required rights or be granted the full control access listed below for the following
registry keys:
64-Bit Operating System
(and all keys created under this key)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\ CurrentVersion\U

For 24 hour global customer support call +1 212 318 2000, +44 20 7330 7500, +65 6212 1000, +81 3 4565 8900 or press the HELP key twice on the Bloomberg Terminal®. Users can have the required rights or be granted the full control access listed below instead of “Uninstall”:

32-Bit Bloomberg Office Tools on 64-Bit Operating System
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Bloomberg Office Tools (32-Bit)
64-Bit Bloomberg Office Tools on 64-Bit Operating System
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Bloomberg Office Tools (64-Bit)

Note: As of January 2020, 32-Bit versions of Windows Operating systems are no longer supported.
Required Rights for Windows 8, 10 and 11

  • Query Value
  • Set Value
  • Create Subkey
  • Enumerate Subkeys
  • Notify
  • Delete
  • Read Control

Non-Required Rights for Windows 8, 10 and 11

  • Create Link
  • Write DAC
  • Write Owner


Short filenames (8.3 Filenames) are required in order to complete the installation of the Bloomberg
Terminal®. You may confirm short filename support on your system by executing the following, within a
command prompt: dir /x c:

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