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How to elevate existing powershell Windows to Local Admin ( UAC )

Add the below to the top of your script[pastacode lang=”markdown” manual=”if%20(!(%5BSecurity.Principal.WindowsPrincipal%5D%5BSecurity.Principal.WindowsIdentity%5D%3A%3AGetCurrent()).IsInRole(%5BSecurity.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole%5D%20%22Administrator%22))%20%7B%20Start-Process%20powershell.exe%20%22-NoProfile%20-ExecutionPolicy%20Bypass%20-File%20%60%22%24PSCommandPath%60%22%22%20-Verb%20RunAs%3B%20exit%20%7D%0A%0A%23%20Your%20script%20here” message=”” highlight=”” provider=”manual”/]

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iManage set default Author and Document Class

You can set the author and default document class by setting the following registry key. The variable %USERID% will resolve to the user that is logged in.[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Interwoven\WorkSite\8.0\iManExt\DefaultNewProfile]“382”=”%USERID%”“384”=”DOC”

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How to Update SSL Certificates on iManage Work 10

Use this to Generate a Command for Open SSL e.g the below https://www.digicert.com/easy-csr/openssl.htmopenssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -out test_test_com.csr -keyout test_test_com.key -subj “/C=US/ST=Test/L=/O=Test/CN=test.test.com” Now add to the […]

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Spector and Meltdown

Firstly, Spectre and Meltdown is a completely different class of flaws that is not the same as the traditional flaws. Hence, the industry is trying to quickly […]

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