Recently I was trying to setup an LAG LCAP bond between a SG500X Cisco Stack and a HP Procurve Aruba Stack.HPtrunk 1/A1 trk2 trunk lacpCisco SG500xUpon plugging […]
Asymmetric routing – Devices with Two IP Address on Different Subnet Replay problem
You have a device connected to a Router ( Fortigate for this case ) with two IP’s on different SubnetsYou try and speak to the Device on […]
I was recently trying to decommission a Storage drive D:\ from an Exchange serverAll the Databases and logs had been moved off apart from one folder D:\ExchangeLogs\OfficeGraph\GraphStorageCompactLogs […]
Veeam – The network name cannot be found. (ERROR_BAD_NET_NAME).
Recently I was trying to backup a workstation using Veeam Agents using Local CredentialsWhen the job ran to install the Veeam Agent an error came up The network […]
Exchange 2016 – DB Removal – mailbox database is associated with one or more active MailboxImport
Recently trying to remove a mailbox however was greeted with the error “mailbox database is associated with one or more active MailboxImport“Doing aGet-MailboxImportRequest | Remove-MailboxImportRequestStill did not […]
450 4.5.0 Unable to proxy recipient
Recently a user tried to send an email from 365 to 365 user ( external not internet ) and got the following bounce back Generating server: SYYP282MB0848.AUSP282.PROD.OUTLOOK.COMRemote Server […]
Password Synced to Remote computer without connectivity to Domain Controller after Password Change
Recently had a customer be able to change passwords from Exchange webmail and for the password to sync back to their local computer without having direct access […]
Best practice for setting up iSCSI Pure Storage
Setting up iSCSI with VMware ESXi and the FlashArray – Cody Hosterman
Could not complete get request certificate signed by unknown authority Thales Cipher Trust Manager
When Ciphertrust Managers ( Key Secures ) loose access to their Corresponding HSM device , they go in an offline state per belowThe Certificates for the devices […]
Optus Circuit
When Optus provide details for a new internet connection they may be displayed in the below format. Bit confusing as CE\PE Wan is used as MPLS : Circuit […]