This is a guide for customers self hosting Case Manager which would like to implement the web and mobile app infrastructure. Prerequisites ? To access the App, […]
OWASP ModSecurity – Free WAF
ModSecurity is the standard open-source web application firewall (WAF) engine. Originally designed as a module for the Apache HTTP Server, it has evolved to provide HTTP request […]
How to get a list of Existing Sharepoint Libraries in 365
The Publisher Identity in the AppxManifest.xml does not match the subject on the certificate
Trying to Use AzureSignTool to sign an existing MSIX File came up the following error The Publisher Identity in the AppxManifest.xml does not match the subject on […]
HP Image Assist being Blocked by ASR Rules
Trying to run the Intune Detect and Remediation here Controlled folder access via ASR Rules was Blocking ImageCapture.exe You will need to whitelist the .exe and […]
How to Use Intune to Use HP Image Assist to download and update Drivers
MYOB AccountRight Intune Deployment
First Deploy this prereq Download Microsoft® SQL Server® Compact 4.0 SP1 – Community Technology Preview 1 (CTP1) from Official Microsoft Download Center Then Deploy MYOB Accountright MSI
SCEP and PKCS certificate not deploying via Intune
I hope this email finds you well. Upon reviewing the configuration, we have found that you have configured CN={{UserName}},E={{EmailAddress}} under subject name format and there is a […]
Installing Labtech on a Linux Machine and .NET RunTime Upgrades Via Winget
1/ .NET version verification To help you verify the .NET version installed on your device, please follow the steps below: Open cmd or PowerShell Please note that […]