After setting up the right permissions in GDAP and trying to access 365 Portal or Raise a Service Request the below screen shows This is a Cache […]
Devices not Enrolling into Defender from Intune
VCSA no healthy upstream
and then from the ssh shell start all the services (services-control –start –all)
Labtech Monitor to Alert of Devices offline
Interval: 6 HoursSend Fail After Success Table to check: computersField to Check: LastContactCheck Condition: GreaterThanResult: DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL -6 MONTH)Identity Field: computers.nameAdditional Condition: computers.computerid in(select computerid from computerconfig […]
DISABLE USERNAME SIGN IN WITH EMAIL or PHONE NUMBER Account Settings > Sign in Settings > Username DISABLE email as a username option, and DISABLE phone number […]
Proactive Remediation VPN Settings Powershell
Azure VPN Intune Template
Certify the Web \ Lets Encrypt
For Webservers with Multiple Sites make sure you enable the below
How to Use Azure Monitor to alert for when an Azure VM has been left on for X Days
Create a new Resource group and then new Log Analytics Workspace Export the Admin Diagnostics of the Resource group the server sits in to the Log Analytics […]
Network DNS not working due to InterfaceMetric on Ethernet smaller then VPN
Proactive Remmeidation