Currently you need to purchase imanage mobility server to be able to view NRL files remotely. We had a request, for users to be able to email Worksite NRL […]
Culture ID 0 (0x0000) is not a supported culture
When pressing the P button in a new email in Outlook , it displays the following error This actually comes from the Interwoven DLL , reopening the […]
Report Number of Emails Recieved Externally per user in Distribution Group over month
Sharepoint asking for password on Login
Recently had a user who could not access the Sharepoint site via Chrome/IE, it kept presenting the user with a username and password box. Other users in […]
How to Find iManage Workspaces in SQL
MDM / Airwatch cannot change To: Field on Android
We had a recent problem setting up a new profile on VMwares Airwatch. When a user tries to reply from a message that has been automatically forwarded through […]
Outlook Sending – changes made to the item were lost due to a reconnect with the server
Recently we came across a problem where users would transfer attachments from one email to another and upon sending would get the following errorcannot open this item. […]
SendOnBehalf of Copying Sent Items Exchange 2003 to 2010 Migration
Sent items dissappear during an exchange migration between operators and secretaries due to mixes of Exchange 2010 and 2003 for example: Exchange2003User1 Exchange2003User2 Exchange2010User3 Current Enviroment […]
Troubleshoot WSUS Not updating on servers
The first step is to make sure you see the actual WSUS server name in the log – if not that indicates a policy or registry setting […]
“Citrix Metaframe Server FTA” Showing up as URL/HTTP/IE File association
We recently rolled out Chrome in our enviroment , a user’s default browser went back to IE one day. On going to default programs in Control Panel […]