Export and Import an iManage Database


You can change thesee in the Dialog Editor, Using Database and Set Captions

Exporting Forms
The Export option in the Form menu works like the Save As option in the File menu. Selecting
the Export option prompts the user to enter a new name for the form.
Use this feature for the following tasks:
? Duplicating (Cloning) a form to a different database
? Saving changes made to a form without overwriting the existing version

Duplicating Databases

**Needs to be Copied Before Above MHGROUP.DOCSUBCLASSES= Doc Type
MHGROUP.CAPTIONS = Name of the Custom Tables

MHGROUP.CUSTOM1 = Duplicate this first and make sure all copied

**After Above Duplicate MHGROUP.CUSTOM1 ( Make sure CPARENT_ALIAS Is not NULL FOR ANY Users)

Auto-Detect document Application cannot be deleted

Go to Manage -> Document Type Mapping Mananagment match the Alian of the Application with a Type and Remove the File Type

Now you will be able to delete it

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