This can be used to install the N-able agent on Startup or through something like PSEXEC with Batch Patch . this only supports Agents137 and below [pastacode […]
Category: Research
Research Undertaken
MS Project 2016 crashing on Startup
The event log shows the below error : Faulting application name: WINPROJ.EXE, version: 16.0.9126.2072, time stamp: 0x5aa71b2d Faulting module name: mso20win32client.dll, version:, time stamp: 0x5aa6e4e7 Exception code: […]
Veeam backup Timeout due to large Sharepoint Filestream Blobs Database
The first delay is a long cycle of checking every file mentioned in the VSS writers metadata. There are 8 million of FILESTREAM blobs on that server. […]
Outlook 2016- modern authentication blank login screen
On setting up a new surface for a user , which was enabled for modern authentication MFA 2fa in 365 , when asked in Outlook for Need Password […]
How to Install N-Able agent Mac OS X
Installing N-able on a windows machine is as simple as running an MSI with the customer ID and creates an activation key for you On a Mac you […]
New Domain Controller does not have SysVol or Netlogon Share
To Recreate SysVol ShareClick Start, click Run, type regedit, and then click OK.Locate the following subkey in Registry Editor:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Netlogon\ParametersIn the details pane, right-click the SysvolReady flag, and then click Modify.In the Value data box, type […]
How to allow sound Playback through RDP on server 2012 Terminal Server
Start the Windows Service : Windows Audo and make sure its set to AutomaticEnable the following group policy on the machine Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Remote Desktop Services\Remote […]
Citrix Reciever : socket error 10060 citrix
When few users were trying to connect to a Citrix netscaler internally they were getting an errorsocket error 10060If you use the ICA file to check what server […]
Script to Delete all Empty Folders
for /f “delims=” %d in (‘dir /s /b /ad ^| sort /r’) do rd “%d” (if used inside a batch file, replace %d with %%d)
Server 2012 loading screen stuck on “Please Wait”
Recently we have a Virtual Machine that was stuck on booting on Please WaitWe had to boot the server into Safemode by holding down the f8 key […]