SQL Best Practice

Create 4 Drives Data for SQL DB F:\Logs E:\TempDB G:\Backups H:\Install DB to F:\MSSQLSERVER\Install Client Tools by Defaults and Anything else you might need Setup GMSA service accounts for […]

Add User to Azure SQL DB and Assign permissions

How to assign User Connect Permissions to Azure DB[pastacode lang=”sql” manual=”CREATE%20USER%20%5Bemail%40domain.com%5D%20FROM%20EXTERNAL%20PROVIDER%3B” message=”” highlight=”” provider=”manual”/]How to find current Roles assigned to Azure DB[pastacode lang=”sql” manual=”SELECT%20DISTINCT%20pr.principal_id%2C%20pr.name%2C%20pr.type_desc%2C%20%0A%20%20%20%20pr.authentication_type_desc%2C%20pe.state_desc%2C%20pe.permission_name%0AFROM%20sys.database_principals%20AS%20pr%0AJOIN%20sys.database_permissions%20AS%20pe%0A%20%20%20%20ON%20pe.grantee_principal_id%20%3D%20pr.principal_id%3B” message=”” highlight=”” provider=”manual”/]How […]

SQL Licensing

Software Assurance License Mobility refers to the ability to move virtual instances from host to host and between server farms. SQL server needs Software Assurance for License Mobility.Software Assurance can […]