So you’ve just got a TPG IP Line connection and they have sent you your IP , how do you set this up on your Fortigate or […]
Error opening emails in iManage – NRtmsgform.dll
A user can open up Word , Excel and PDF’s but not Emails as it crashes from Worksite / iManage with the DLL NRtmsgform.dllThis means the Load Behaviour […]
N-Able Failed to register appliance: 3021 Customer does not exist or customer ID error.
The issueWhen you see Agent Status Failed for a device it is normally due to the Appliance ID reverting to a default value of -1. To troubleshoot this […]
session clash fortigate Session Clashes on your foritgate? Double check there are no errors for NAT port exhaustionIf you are running from multiple connections try disabling the backup line as this […]
S7 Telstra phone not going to voicemail after update
User updated their Sasumg S7 to the latest firmware, and ever since the phone did not go to voicemail anymore.Opened up Phone and Settings and checked all the […]
User not appearing in User Contacts ( GAL ) for Avaya Phone System
A user was not appearing in User Contacts on an Avaya Phone System. This is like a global address list of all phones. There is actually a Ex […]
Android Contacts screen overlay detected
On a brand new Android S6 Device , I tried to add a new contact view the Contacts App mapped through the phone, however I was greated […]
Trusted login failed; “domain.LOCAL” is not the right domain. (0x80042385)
User had been setup with Active Directory as OS Type and not synced using the connector. ( The container will not show the correct OU ) Should be […]
Avaya Phone System forwarding for external calls only \ Link an external phone number to an internal number
Had a user complain only external calls went to the default hunt group forward.Open Avaya IP Office ManagerGo to User’s , and check forwarding TabGo to Incoming […]
iManage – Index one workspace or multiple via SQL
You can make a change to the WorkSpace description (add a full stop to the description or other characters), save it, and then reverse the change, and […]