DFSR Event ID 4004

Tried several solutions to resolve event ID 4004 before finding one that worked: https://community.spiceworks.com/topic/569594-dfsr-tombstoned-folder-s. The issue can arise when you remove/delete a server from a replication group […]

How to setup Bighand on a Terminal Server

Installation Files for the Client Terminal Client Plug In for BigHand.msi Terminal Client Plug In for BigHand (64-bit RDP).msi Installation on the Terminal Server Terminal Server Add […]

AV Status Misconfigured N-Central

There is no information for this WQL Query Turns out you need a VBS script to run to populate this, without the Professional License you will need […]

Dism “enable-feature is unknown”

Recently I was trying to add a Windows Feature into a Windows.wim file. After mounting the Wim I ran the below on a server 2012 machineDism /Image:”c:\temp” /Enable-Feature […]

Meraki VPN AD Auth : “Query the domain controller via WMI”

Meraki’s Advice to enable AD authentication for VPN is to create the Service account as …. Domain Administratorhttps://documentation.meraki.com/MX/Content_Filtering_and_Threat_Protection/Active_Directory_IntegrationThis is big security no no ( Incase the account […]