Boothole Patching

I did some patching of BootHole over the weekend, and found that the Microsoft article describing the patch installation not only contained errors but also outlined no […]

EPG for site.ini web plus ( 250 Channels ) How to make your OWN EPG Guide for IPTV lists? 

“-2147467259” sqlcmd

Add the SQL Agent account the folloing role in MSDBAlso make sure the SQL Agent account has access to the database to run the query \

Update Teams settings using GPO and desktop-config.json file

You can target the following powershell below to update items in desktop-config.json such as disableGpu\openAtLogin\registerAsIMProvider\runningOnClose(Get-Content $ENV:APPDATA\Microsoft\Teams\desktop-config.json).replace(‘”disableGpu”:false’, ‘”disableGpu”:true’) | Set-Content $ENV:APPDATA\Microsoft\Teams\desktop-config.json(Get-Content $ENV:APPDATA\Microsoft\Teams\desktop-config.json).replace(‘”openAtLogin”:true’, ‘”openAtLogin”:false’) | Set-Content $ENV:APPDATA\Microsoft\Teams\desktop-config.json 

Azure Security

 Microsoft 365 DefenderUsers and Device health/securityAccessible from creation/customization of policies to send email alertsMin. license requirements for FULL SUITE ( Score & Improvements available for any license […]