There’s spam going around where a “security researcher” will try to claim a security bounty due to you not having a reject dmarc record per below Greetings Team,I […]
Category: Research
Research Undertaken
IoC Scanners – After Crypto
IoC (indicators of compromise) are essentially breadcrumbs that are left behind from an attempted or successful attack on a system.SPARK Core – Free IOC and YARA Scanning […]
How to copy Refs data with blockclone\ Space Saving ( e.g. Veeam backups )
Windows copy isn’t ReFS block clone API aware , so when you copy REFS data it reinflates and you loose the space savings 🙁 3 Methods to do […]
RDS UPD error message 0x2.82 Temporary Profile
Recently had an issue where I spun up a new session host for an existing collection and added it and Users logged into the server via the […]
WARNING: No targets were specified – LLMNR Nmap Scan
nmap –script llmnr-resolve –script-args ‘llmnr-resolve.hostname=%hostname%’On Windows you need to change to “nmap –script llmnr-resolve –script-args “llmnr-resolve.hostname=%hostname%”
Things for Bit Titan Migrate
Migrating from G-Suite to 365 , how to keep “Connect with Google” working after migration
There’s a free “Google Cloud Identity” license in GSuite. There’s 50 by default but you can increase this where needed can then work on migrating the SSO […]
Hybrid Join computer to Azure Active Directory \ Intune without access (line of sight) to domain controller
Machines usually need a GPO to join them to Intune and Line of Sight access to the Domain Controller to join to Azure AD. You can actually […]
Fiber Guide
YSK (if you don’t) about fiber optics and how they work : networking (