Delete the Vcenter Node from Solarwinds and Re AddThen Re do the VMan intergration setupSelect TOP 1000 * FROM [dbo].[VIM_PollingTasks] From SolarwindsOrionNPMPRD [VIM_PollingTasks]Check for the server to re-appear […]
Category: Research
Research Undertaken
Activate Server 2016 on a Server 2012 R2 Machine
Make sure you have the Windows Updates install here for your OS Type your Windows Srv 2016 DataCtr/Std KMSCopy the code below and save as pkeyconfig-csvlk.xrm-msCopy this to C:\Program […]
Synology NAS RSYNC to Copy files from Network Location and Log
Recently I wanted to copy a load of files from a server to a Synology NAS. You can use Synology GUI to map a remote file using SMB with […]
Can expansion cards be moved from CS220 Nimble to a newer CS1000 Nimble
The only hardware that can be brought over from a CS220 to a CS1000 are the SSDs.The hardware might be compatible however is not a supported Nimble configuration […]
Tablet device that can run MS Access
MS Surface Pro w/ third party magnetic swipe USB Device (this was suggested by several people) Morgan Mcleod: HP Elitepad with expansion jacket for integrated swipe card function. […]
Default IP for Liebert Emerson UPS
IP : : LiebertPassword : Liebert
How to do Superscript in Nitro PDF
The PDF standard does not have Superscript the same as Microsoft Word so you will have to do this manuallyE.g. if you are making 10th , write […]
Redirect Old WordPress Tags to Squarespace Tags
Got to Config/settings/advanced/url-mappingsThen add the following : /tag/[name] -> /?tag=[name] 301
Convert to Virtual Machine from Point in Time Greyed Out
When trying to restore from a backup exec backup to a Virtual machine , the dropdown option “Convert to Virtual Machine from Point in Time” is Greyed […]
How to enable SNMP monitoring on a VCSA 6.5 Vmware Vcenter
Enabled SSH Login on your VCenter Appliance ( this can be done through the GUI or via Direct Console Access )Run the below commands replacing username and […]