When create a new secure file in PGP Desktop the following error message is displayed when you try and save to a network Path “The specified Save […]
Category: Fixes
The application cannot be executed because the following Shell Folder defined in the registry cannot be found. Please contact the system administrator.
When opening DSS player after modifying the registry or profile settings you might get the following error message The application cannot be executed because the following Shell Folder defined […]
Domain and DNS not working after VMware conversion – Booting a domain controller (DC) standalone
I would like to thank Dan Furse from Response IT for this little trick bit! When virtulising a domain controller from Physical to Virtual, it is recommended to segregate it […]
Remote Web Workplace on New Windows 7 Machine Not Loading up Active X RDP Client
On trying to access the Remote Web Workplace on a Small Business Server 2003 / 2008 server on a brand new machine, the Active X Client Would […]
Install Blackberry Enterprise Server on SBS 2008
( Courteous of http://www.edutech.me.uk/bes-express/installing-bes-express-on-sbs2008-server/ ) for future reference First of all we need to install the Microsoft Exchange Server MAPI Client and Collaboration Data Objects 1.2.1 if these have not […]
Cannot promote server as domain controller – Server 2012 Migratation
When migrating an SBS 2003 box to Server 2012, when it runs through the migration wizard it displays the error Cannot promote server as domain controller Upon […]
Changing the page setup ( Margins ) do not work in Outlook
Changing the page setup in Outlook proves useless because HTML messages are not printed by Outlook itself – it uses IE’s print settings to print. So […]
Exchange 2010 ( SBS 2011 ) Mail Enabled Public Folder Produces TOREDRV.Deliver.Exception:ObjectNotFoundException
After a Windows Update, Mail Enabled Public Folders produce the following NDR #554 5.2.0 STOREDRV.Deliver.Exception:ObjectNotFoundException; Failed to process message due to a permanent exception with message The […]
Renew active directory Certificate for EFS
Recently some users at a company using the EFS Encryption of their offline files for Windows 7 were not able to access their offline files anymore. We […]
Iris IXBRL Reports producing : Problem in client_folder_useable ( resp is 67)
After the migration of IRIS to a new server , when trying to run IXBRL Reports , it would produce the following error > Problem in client_folder_useable […]