On trying to access the Remote Web Workplace on a Small Business Server 2003 / 2008 server on a brand new machine, the Active X Client Would Not Load. After clicking the connect button a white screen would be displayed and nothing would happen.
1) The ActiveX Control was enabled and installed
2) The Site was added to Trusted Sites
3) Made sure UAC was turned off
4) Made sure I could register mstscax.dll
Upon trying to run a VB Scribt to add the Registry Values I was greeted with the following Error message
Can’t find script engine “VBScript” for script.
As per this link this was caused by Macafee being preinstalled on the machine ( Even though it was BullGuard currently installed as the AV )
I downloaded the Macafee Removal Tool http://download.mcafee.com/products/licensed/cust_support_patches/MCPR.exe , ran and removed , restarted and it fixed the Remote Web Workplace issue as well as the VB Script Problem!