Recently a user was having issues opening excel files , were by a 600kb file could take around 20 seconds to open. When you copied this file […]
Author: paris
WordPress WP-Admin Folder Not Parsing PHP
I moved an existing wordpress site from one server to another. After initial complications of getting the “White Screen of Death” of nothing showing this was caused […]
Nvidia Dual View Not Displaying in Nview Graphics Options
After helping someone setup dual monitors on their computer with a Nvidia Geforce graphics card on Windows XP, the Nvidia drivers did not allow me to choose […]
User Profile Service service failed the logon Windows 7
When a new user was logging into Windows 7 machine the following error messaged dispalyed : “User Profile Service service failed the logon Windows 7”. This is […]
IIS Windows 7 AppOffline DefaultAppPool
After installing IIS 7 on a windows 7 SP1 machine , upon trying to view http://localhost/ default ISS7 page the following error popped up : “service unavailable […]
WinWord 2010 Opening Document usp10.dll Crash
Upon opening a document with Word , Winword crashes straight away. I tried the main fixes of resetting the + normal.dotm files and opened the Winword […]
Windows 7 Playing VML Files
Voice Over IP providers , provide you with a service to listen to your voice mails held on the system via email. Usually there’s a choice between […]
Air Asia Discontinuing the Vegetarian Fried Rice!
I recieved the following email from Air Asia this morning. I’m guessing they have a massive Vegetarian Fried Rice fan base for a personalised email to be […]
Export contacts from outlook inbox
Sometimes people want to send an email to all the people who have ever emailed them , like a big company name change / email address etc. […]
Windows 7 Date Format Showing as US MM/DD/YYYY instead of UK DD/MM/YYYY
A new Asus computer out the box had been setup with the region settings of English (United Kingdom) , however in some .net programs the date format […]