Disk is currently owned by the partner and cannot be assigned.

106496-netapp-neu-5[2]Recently I assigned a new drive that had failed in the Netapp System using


disk show -n ( for all unassigned disks )

disk assign 0b.xx.x or disk assign all ( for all drives )

Cluster Mode

storage disk assign -all -node <node name> ( assign all unassigned drives to node ) 

storage disk assign assign -disk node1:1b:20 -owner node1 ( assign 1 drive to node 1 )

cluster show = show node names

aggr status -s ( show nodes with current spacres ) 

LED to Show the Disk

Cluster Mode

storage disk set-led -disk 3.20.10 -action on -duration 5

The drive got assigned to the wrong controller so it assigned it as a Partner Disk when looking on the controller of the failed drive , ( Partner disks are those which are owned by the second (partner) controller. )

I tried to assign this back to the other controller using disk assign ob.xx.xx -s unowned -f on the controller that needed the spare drive however got the error message

Disk is currently owned by the partner and cannot be assigned.

sysconfig -r showed the disk as a partner disk, this means I was logged into the wrong controller to do this.

So SSH to right controller , disk assign ob.xx.xx -s unowned -f worked this time , then used disk assign 0b.xx.x  again

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