Word crashing when changing fonts Windows Update

If you experience Word freezing when changing fonts this is caused by Office update released on 9th Feb: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/3114717Uninstalling it fixes the issue.You can use Office CAT Tool: […]

DISM Cleanup Folder

For Server 2008 r2 and HighRunDISM /online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanupYou may need to start trusted installer before handnet start TrustedInstallerRun COMPCLNServer 2008Run  : COMPCLN.EXE Task Scheduler (Local) –> Task Scheduler […]

How to Slipstream VMware ESX Install

Create a Bootable VMware install as usual on USB Memory StickDump the below into a file called ks.cfg ( Change the value in the square brakets before […]

Fortinet Router SSL VPN over 3g/4g Modem and Dynamic IP

Compatibility of 3g/4G usb modems can be found here : http://cookbook.fortinet.com/configuring-modems-fortigate/#List_of_the_Current_Supported_LTE_ModemsAlways a time when an ISP doesn’t deliver internet to premises so the office is without Internet. Thanks […]

Backup Exec VSS Error

According to the Error logs of Backup Exec it is a VSS error.Indeed there is VSS error for the Exchange VSS Writer, when I ran the command […]

port reset failed dell display link

Upon plugging in a Dell USB Docking Station to a laptop which uses Dell’s Display Link as the video driver , the USB ports mapped through correctly […]