Worksite\iManage – SQL to change the owner of Workspace/Folder

Here are the steps to change the owner of Workspace/Folder in Worksite 10

–To change the owner of a Workspace/Folder, first we need to find the prj_id of the Workspace/Folder 

select * where prj_name LIKE ‘%FOLDER\WORKSPACE_NAME%’

–To change it to a different owner…

update mhgroup.projects set prj_owner = ‘NEW_USERID’ where prj_id = ‘WORKSPACE_ID’

After changing the owner of the workspace, the author in the docmaster table for this workspace needs to change as well. The owner is still shown as the old one, but after updating the author, the new owner should appear on the workspace profile.

Please run the following additional query:

– update mhgroup.docmaster set author =’new userID’ where docnum = ‘you can get this from the query below ‘

–also, to change the underlying Workspace/Folder document’s owner update mhgroup.docmaster set operator = ‘NEW_USERID’, author = ‘NEW_USERID’ where docnum = ‘DOCNUM’

Please test this against a backup copy of the database. Also make sure you backup the database before running this against production database.

To find the docnum of a workspace: select * from mhgroup.projects where prj_name = ‘Exact Name of Workspace’ and subtype = ‘work’

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