This will stop Windows from resetting your default file associations, and this will force your choice of application to stick. It works well for my org.
#Creates a "drive" to access the HKCR (HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT)
New-PSDrive -Name HKCR -PSProvider Registry -Root
If ('HKCR:\.pdf')
#This is the .pdf file association string
$PDF = 'HKCR:\.pdf'
New-ItemProperty $PDF -Name NoOpenWith
New-ItemProperty $PDF -Name NoStaticDefaultVerb
If ('HKCR:\.pdf\OpenWithProgids')
#This is the .pdf file association string
$Progids = 'HKCR:\.pdf\OpenWithProgids'
New-ItemProperty $Progids -Name NoOpenWith
New-ItemProperty $Progids -Name NoStaticDefaultVerb