Nimble Space Savings Estimator Script

We wanted to swap a new SAN for a customer and our distributor wanted us to run the Nimble Space Savings Estimator , to find out how big the device needed to be.  Unlike Dell with LiveOptics tool , you have to run this across EVERY virtual machine, and run it across all drives for it to scan. I wrote a tool we could use inside BatchPatch to run this .exe from a share across all VM’s

This needs to be run out of hours due to heavy scanning of disk

[pastacode lang=”powershell” manual=”%0A%23Find%20All%20Drives%20on%20PC%20(Not%20CDRom%5CSystem%20Partition)%0A%24drives%20%3D%20Get-Volume%20%7C%20Where-Object%20%7B(%24_.FileSystemLabel%20-ne%20%22System%20Reserved%22)%20-and%20(%24_.DriveType%20-eq%20%22Fixed%22)%7D%0A%0AForeach%20(%24drive%20in%20%24drives)%0A%0A%7B%0A%23Get%20DriveLetter%0A%24drive%20%3D%20%24drive.DriveLetter%0A%26%20%22%5C%5Cshare%5CSpace%20Savings%20Estimator%5CNimbleSSE.exe%22%20%24drive%60%3A%0A%0A%7D” message=”” highlight=”” provider=”manual”/]

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