Measuring Hyper V Disk Rate Change

You can collect data characteristics for the virtual
machines in a VPG in one of the following ways:
  • By using operating system performance monitors, such as the Microsoft Performance Monitor utility for Windows operating systems or the iostat command for Linux operating systems.
  • By using Windows PowerShell in Windows Server 2012 to collect network utilization (and other information). When using metering ACLs, you can measure the total network traffic sent and received by a virtual mach ine. To collect performance characteristics for the virtual machines in a VPG, using PowerShell, do the following:
Turn on resource metering for the relevant virtual machines, if it is not already enabled
Adjust the collection frequency, if necessary.
Collect the relevant statistics. Zerto recommends that you collect data for a minimum of one day. When you have enough statistics, you may want to turn off resource metering since data collection can impact performance.
Turning on Resource Metering 
By default, resource metering is not enabled. To turn on resource metering for one virtual machine, enter the following
PowerShell command:
Get-VM <VM-name > | Enable-VMResourceMetering
To turn on monitoring for all virtual machines on a server at one time, enter the following PowerShell command:
Get-VM | Enable-VMResourceMetering
Once you enable resource metering, Hyper-V begins to collect data. You can reset metering at any time, which discards the data that has been collected up to that point.
If resource metering is enabled but no NetworkAdapterAcls are configured, Hyper-V configures them to measure total network traffic. To measure network traffic throug h an IP range, configure the NetworkAdapterAcls for the IP range before runningEnable-VMResourceMetering
Adjusting the Collection Frequency
By default, the collection frequency is once every hour. You can change the collection frequency, but understand that datacollection can impact performance. To change the
collection frequency, enter the following command:
Set-VMHost –ComputerName <host-server-name> -ResourceMeteringSaveInterval <HH:MM:SS>
The collection frequency is always set at the host server level.You cannot adjust the collection frequency per virtual machine
.For example, if you enter 01:30:00, resource consumption will be ollected every hour and a half.
Collecting and Viewing the Relevant Statistics
To view resource usage for one virtual machine, enter the following command:
Get-VM <VM-name> | Measure-VM
Resource metering data can be displayed for all of the virtual machines that are running on a host. To see data for all of thevirtual machines on a host, enter the following command:
Get-VM | Measure-VM
You can configure PowerShell to display only certain statistics. To do this, you must know the object names that PowerShell
assigns to each statistic. You can see the object names by entering the following command:
Get-VM | Measure-VM | Select-Object *
For example, when working with Zerto Virtual Replication, you are interested in network traffic.To list the network traffic foreach virtual machine, enter the following command:
Get-VM | Measure-VM | Select-Object VMName, NetworkMeteredTrafficReport
You can use VM Network Adapter ACLs to measure network activity to and from a specific network. For example, to meter
network traffic for a special subnet or IP address:
Add-VMNetworkAdapterAcl -VMName <VM-name> -Action Meter -RemoteIPAddress -Direction Outbound
Turning off Resource Metering
To disable the collection of performance statistics, enter the following PowerShell command:
Disable-VMResourceMetering -VMName <VM-name>
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