There are sellers here selling $120 a year services that you can buy for $15 a year. Here’s how to cut through the b.s. and get these on your own.
You want two sources in your arsenal- Alibaba and z2u. Alibaba is a Chinese wholesale marketplace where you can buy anything. z2u is a Chinese (presumably) marketplace for buying online subscriptions. So here’s how you find iptv services on there:
- Alibaba- Search for “IPTV” or search for IPTV with whatever service you’re looking for “IPTV Strong” for instance. As you peruse the results, you’ll find listings that look like android tv boxes. They’re not really android boxes, it’s a front for iptv services. You’ll have memory (RAM) choices. That’s not really the ram; that’s the number of months you’ll subscribe to. 1gb (1 month) 12gb (12 months). Before you buy the service, start a chat with the seller and request a trial. If the seller isn’t responsive, move along and find someone who is. If you buy a year of IPTV and the vendor disappears after a month…so what? Renew with someone else who sells the service. Your subscription won’t stop working if the vendor disappears. Vendors will often sell multiple services, so start a line of communication.
- Z2U- Often 1/2 the price of Alibaba. Same kind of thing, but it’s annoying to search on there. Search for IPTV. Then choose “accounts,” then use the filter section on the left side of your screen to hone in on what you’re looking for. You can choose the names of services there or you can search in a different search bar there. Again, start a chat before you purchase.
Limit all purchases to within the platform.
Here’s the type of savings you can see:
$120 a year (a service such as Enigma) for an identical product
$15 a year (Mega on z2u) same as Enigma
$8 a year (if you buy a panel of ten years of reseller credits of Mega).
$100 a year (a service such as Ninja) for an identical product
$15 a year (Lion on z2u) same as Ninja
$8 a year (if you buy a panel)
Some services offer a 4k version and a regular version. Check them both out. Sometimes the 4k version isn’t worth the premium.
Don’t dm me with requests for which services I recommend. We can all have that conversation out in the open here to promote transparency and chase away the sharks who try to dip their hands in your wallet.
Some relevant notes:
Anyone who tells you that they are a “restreamer” instead of a “reseller” is trying to manipulate you. If you think that it’s in any way logical for someone to take a service they can pay $8 a year for, run a copy of it on thousands of dollars worth of servers in Canada, and present it to you- all while retaining an identical product with the same pros and cons- you deserve to pay $115 more a year. If the product were different we could have a different conversation.
Any reseller that tells you it’s the customer service and ability to fix problems that separates them from a Chinese source. Nonsense. Reselling iptv is the equivalent to buying a year of Verizon cell phone service and reselling it to someone as “Mike’s cell phone service.” If something goes wrong with Verizon, Mike won’t be able to do anything more than what Verizon can do. He’ll be nice and will work with you on explaining how to unplug and re-plug your box in, but there is no real added value there when all is said and done.
There are providers that further curate their iptv service into something remarkable. They will fix up the epg, clean up the prefixes of channels and categories, adjust the categories, and maintain a nice service. They will juggle stream sources and keep things running smooth. This adds considerable value to an iptv service. It’s not exactly “reselling” anymore when they do this. Those people deserve a premium. But most guys aren’t even doing that. They’re just flipping a product. You can also tackle some of this yourself using websites such as iptveditor if you want to become a bit of a hobbiest.
Did you notice that many resellers have stopped giving out trials? They don’t want you matching their service to another one. Be aware.
I was banned from r/findiptv for revealing these things, immediately after revealing the source of the “official iptv service” there. Nobody wants you knowing this information.