Install Defender on Server 2012R2\2016

Install Defender
    Helper script for installing/uninstalling Microsoft Defender for Downlevel Servers.
    On install scenario:
        It first removes MMA workspace when RemoveMMA guid is provided.
        Next uninstalls SCEP if present and OS version is Server2012R2
        Next installs two hotfixes required by the MSI (if they are not installed)
        Next installs the Microsoft Defender for Downlevel Servers MSI (i.e. md4ws.msi)
        Finally, it runs the onboarding script, if provided using the parameter OnboardingScript. 
        Please use the script for Group Policy as it is non-interactive; the local onboarding script will fail.
    On uninstall scenario:
        It will run the offboarding script, if provided.
        Uninstalls the MSI unless IsTamperProtected is on.
        Removes Defender Powershell module, if loaded inside current Powershell session.
    .\Install.ps1 -UI -NoMSILog -NoEtl
    .\Install.ps1 -Uninstall
    .\Install.ps1 -Uninstall -NoEtl
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'install')]
    ## MMA Workspace Id to be removed
    [guid] $RemoveMMA,
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'install')]
    ## Path to onboarding script (required by WD-ATP)
    [string] $OnboardingScript,    
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'install')]
    ## Installs devmode msi instead of the realeased one
    [switch] $DevMode,
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'uninstall', Mandatory)]
    ## Uninstalls Microsoft Defender for Downlevel Servers. Offboarding has to be run manually prior to uninstall.
    [switch] $Uninstall,
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'uninstall')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'install')]
    ## Offboarding script to run prior to uninstalling/reinstalling MSI 
    [string] $OffboardingScript,
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'install')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'uninstall')]
    ## Enables UI in MSI 
    [switch] $UI,
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'install')]
    ## Put WinDefend in passive mode.
    [switch] $Passive,
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'install')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'uninstall')]
    ## Disable MSI Logging
    [switch] $NoMSILog,
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'install')]
    ## Used to pass extra arguments to Invoke-WebRequest calls used by this script (like WebSession, Proxy, ProxyCredential)
    [hashtable] $ExtraWebRequestOptions = @{},
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'install')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'uninstall')]
    ## Disable ETL logging
    [switch] $NoEtl)

function Get-CommandLine {
    Returns the equivalent command line used to invoke a script
    Returns the equivalent command line used to invoke a script
    Get-CommandLine $PSCmdLet.MyInvocation
    ## Usually $PSCmdLet.MyInvocation.
    param([Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 0)] [System.Management.Automation.InvocationInfo] $info)

    process {
        function EscapeString {
            param([string] $s)
            if ($null -ne $s -and ' ' -in $s -and $s[0] -ne '"') {
                "`"{0}'" -f $s
            else {

        [string] $commandLine = ''
        if ($null -ne $info) {
            $commandLine = EscapeString $info.MyCommand.Name
            foreach ($boundparam in $info.BoundParameters.GetEnumerator()) {
                $val = ''
                foreach ($k in ($boundparam.Value)) {
                    $val += if ($val.Length) { ',' } else { ':' }
                    $val += if ($k -is [switch]) {
                        if ($k.ToBool()) { '$true' } else { '$false' }
                    else {
                        EscapeString $k
                $commandLine += " -{0}{1}" -f $boundparam.Key, $val

            foreach ($k in $info.UnboundArguments.GetEnumerator()) {
                $commandLine += " {0}" -f (EscapeString $k)

        return $commandLine

function Set-RegistryKey {
    param([Parameter(Mandatory)][string] $LiteralPath,
        [Parameter(Mandatory)][string] $Name,
        [Parameter(Mandatory)][object] $Value)

    function Set-ContainerPath {
        param([Parameter(Mandatory)][string] $LiteralPath)
        if (!(Test-Path -LiteralPath:$LiteralPath -PathType:Container)) {
            $parent = Split-Path -Path:$LiteralPath -Parent
            Set-ContainerPath -LiteralPath:$parent
            $leaf = Split-Path -Path:$LiteralPath -Leaf
            $null = New-Item -Path:$parent -Name:$leaf -ItemType:Directory
    Set-ContainerPath -LiteralPath:$LiteralPath
    Set-ItemProperty -LiteralPath:$LiteralPath -Name:$Name -Value:$Value
    Trace-Message "$LiteralPath[$Name]=$Value" -SkipFrames:3

function Remove-RegistryKey {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory)][string] $LiteralPath

    if (Test-Path -LiteralPath:$LiteralPath) {
        Remove-Item -LiteralPath:$LiteralPath -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable err
        if ($err.count -gt 0){
            Trace-Message "Remove-Item $LiteralPath message: $err" -SkipFrames:3
        } else {
            Trace-Message "Removed registry key: $LiteralPath" -SkipFrames:3

[System.IO.StreamWriter] $Script:InstallLog = $null
Set-Variable -Name:'InstallPS1HKLM' -Value:'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Install' -Option:Constant -Scope:Script

function Get-TraceMessage {
        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0)] [string] $Message,
        [Parameter(Position = 1)][uint16] $SkipFrames = 2,
        [datetime] $Date = (Get-Date))
    function Get-Time {
        param([datetime] $Date = (Get-Date))
        return $Date.ToString('yy/MM/ddTHH:mm:ss.fff')
    [System.Management.Automation.CallStackFrame[]] $stackFrames = Get-PSCallStack
    for ($k = $SkipFrames; $k -lt $stackFrames.Count; $k++) {
        $currentPS = $stackFrames[$k]
        if ($null -ne $currentPS.ScriptName -or $currentPS.FunctionName -eq "<ScriptBlock>") {
            [int] $lineNumber = $currentPS.ScriptLineNumber
            if ($null -ne $currentPS.ScriptName) {
                $scriptFullName = $currentPS.ScriptName
            else {
                if ($null -eq (Get-Variable VMPosition -ErrorAction:Ignore)) {
                    $scriptFullName = '<interactive>'
                else {
                    $lineNumber += $VMPosition.Line
                    $scriptFullName = $VMPosition.File
            $scriptName = $scriptFullName.Substring(1 + $scriptFullName.LastIndexOf('\'))  
            return "[{0}:{1:00} {2} {3}:{4,-3}] {5}" -f $env:COMPUTERNAME, [System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, (Get-Time $date), $scriptName, $lineNumber, $message
    throw "Cannot figure out the right caller for $SkipFrames, $stackFrames"

function Get-CurrentBootSession {
    return (Get-CimInstance -ClassName:Win32_OperatingSystem).LastBootUpTime.ToString('yy/MM/ddTHH:mm:ss.fff')

function Exit-Install {
    param ([Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0)] [string] $Message,
        [Parameter(Mandatory)] [uint32] $ExitCode)
    $fullMessage = Get-TraceMessage -Message:$Message
    if ($Script:ERR_PENDING_REBOOT -eq $ExitCode) {
        ## Subsequent runs of this scripts will be able to detect if a reboot happend since it was requested
        Set-RegistryKey -LiteralPath:$Script:InstallPS1HKLM -Name:'PendingReboot' -Value:$(Get-CurrentBootSession)
    if ($null -ne $Script:InstallLog) {
        $exitMessage = Get-TraceMessage -Message ("Script will exit with code {0}(0x{0:x})" -f $ExitCode) -SkipFrames:1
        $Script:InstallLog = $null
    Write-Error $fullMessage -ErrorAction:Continue
    exit $ExitCode
function Trace-Message {
    param ([Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0)] [string] $Message,
        [Parameter(Position = 1)][uint16] $SkipFrames = 2,
        [datetime] $Date = (Get-Date))
    $fullMessage = Get-TraceMessage -Message:$Message -SkipFrames:$SkipFrames -Date:$Date
    if ($null -ne $Script:InstallLog) {
    Write-Host $fullMessage

function Trace-Warning {
    param ([Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $Message)
    $fullMessage = Get-TraceMessage "WARNING: $message"
    ## not using Write-Warning is intentional.
    if ($null -ne $Script:InstallLog) {
    Write-Host $fullMessage

function Use-Object {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowEmptyCollection()] [AllowNull()]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [scriptblock] $ScriptBlock,

    try {
        & $ScriptBlock @ArgumentList
    catch {
    finally {
        if ($null -ne $InputObject -and $InputObject -is [System.IDisposable]) {

function New-TempFile {
    #New-TemporaryFile is not available on PowerShell 4.0.

    $path = [System.Io.Path]::GetTempPath() + [guid]::NewGuid().Guid + '.tmp'
    return New-Object -TypeName 'System.IO.FileInfo' -ArgumentList:$path

function Get-Digest {
    Returns an unique digest dependent on $sa array
    param ([string[]] $sa)
    $sb = New-Object -TypeName:'System.Collections.Generic.List[byte]'
    $sha256 = [System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256]::Create()
    foreach ($element in $sa) {
        $null = $sb.AddRange($sha256.ComputeHash([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($element)))
    $hash = $sha256.ComputeHash($sb.ToArray())
    $rez = New-Object -TypeName:'System.Text.StringBuilder'
    foreach ($hb in $hash) {
        $null = $rez.Append($hb.ToString('X2'))
    return $rez.ToString()

function Get-ScriptVersion {
    param([string] $LiteralPath)
    $version = @{
        Major    = '1'
        Minor    = '20231204'
        Patch    = '0'
        Metadata = 'E8E12DEA'
    [bool] $seen = $false
    $scriptLines = @(Get-Content -Path:$LiteralPath | ForEach-Object {
            $line = $_
            if (-not $seen) {            
                $seen = $line -ieq "#Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved."
                if ($line -match "^\s*Metadata\s*=\s*'([0-9A-F]{8})'") {
                    # skip it
                else {
    $digest = (Get-Digest -sa:$scriptLines).Substring(0, 8)
    if ($digest -ne $version.Metadata) {
        $version.Patch = '1'
    return "$($version.Major).$($version.Minor).$($version.Patch)+$digest"

function Measure-Process {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateScript( { Test-Path -LiteralPath:$_ -PathType:Leaf })]
        [string] $FilePath,

        [string[]] $ArgumentList,
        [switch] $PassThru,
        [ValidateScript( { Test-Path -LiteralPath:$_ -PathType:Container })]
        [string] $WorkingDirectory = (Get-Location).Path,
        [uint16] $SkipFrames = 3)

    Trace-Message "Running $FilePath $ArgumentList in $WorkingDirectory ..." -SkipFrames:$SkipFrames

    $startParams = @{
        FilePath               = $FilePath
        WorkingDirectory       = $WorkingDirectory
        Wait                   = $true
        NoNewWindow            = $true
        PassThru               = $true        
        RedirectStandardOutput = New-TempFile
        RedirectStandardError  = New-TempFile
    if ($ArgumentList) {
        $startParams.ArgumentList = $ArgumentList
    $info = @{ ExitCode = 1 }
    try {
        Use-Object ($proc = Start-Process @startParams) {
            param ($ArgumentList, $SkipFrames)
            [TimeSpan] $runningTime = ($proc.ExitTime - $proc.StartTime).Ticks
            $exitCode = $info.exitCode = $proc.ExitCode
            $info.ExitTime = $proc.ExitTime
            Get-Content -Path $startParams.RedirectStandardOutput | ForEach-Object {
                Trace-Message "[StandardOutput]: $_" -Date:$info.ExitTime -SkipFrames:$(1 + $SkipFrames)
            Get-Content -Path $startParams.RedirectStandardError | ForEach-Object {
                Trace-Message "[StandardError]: $_" -Date:$info.ExitTime -SkipFrames:$(1 + $SkipFrames)
            $commandLine = $(Split-Path -Path:$FilePath -Leaf)
            if ($ArgumentList) {
                $commandLine += " $ArgumentList"
            $message = if (0 -eq $exitCode) {
                "Command `"$commandLine`" run for $runningTime"
            else {
                "Command `"$commandLine`" failed with error $exitCode after $runningTime"
            Trace-Message $message -SkipFrames:$SkipFrames           
            if (-not $PassThru -and 0 -ne $exitCode) {
                exit $exitCode
        } -ArgumentList:$ArgumentList, (2 + $SkipFrames)
    catch {
    finally {
        Remove-Item -LiteralPath:$startParams.RedirectStandardError.FullName -Force -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue
        Remove-Item -LiteralPath:$startParams.RedirectStandardOutput.FullName -Force -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue
    if ($PassThru) {
        return $info.ExitCode

function Test-CurrentUserIsInRole {
    param([string[]] $SIDArray)
    foreach ($sidString in $SIDArray) {
        $sid = New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier($sidString)
        $role = $sid.Translate([Security.Principal.NTAccount]).Value
        if (([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal][Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole($role)) {
            return $true
    return $false

function Get-GuidHelper {
    param (
        # Parameter help description
        [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $Name,
        [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $Value,
        [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $LiteralPath,
        [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $Pattern
    ## guids are regenerated every time we change .wx{i,s} files
    ## @note: SilentlyContinue just in case $Path does not exist.
    $result = @(Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath:$LiteralPath -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue |
        Where-Object { $_.GetValue($Name) -match $Value -and $_.PSChildName -match $Pattern } |
        Select-Object -ExpandProperty:PSChildName)
    if ($result.Count -eq 1) {
        return $result[0]
    return $null

function Get-UninstallGuid {
    param (
        # Parameter help description
        [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $DisplayName
    $extraParams = @{
        Name        = 'DisplayName'
        Value       = $DisplayName
        LiteralPath = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall'
        Pattern     = '^{[0-9a-f]{8}-([0-9a-f]{4}-){3}[0-9a-f]{12}}$'
    return Get-GuidHelper @extraParams

function Get-CodeSQUID {
    param (
        [string] $ProductName
    if (-not (Get-PSDrive -Name:'HKCR' -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue)) {
        $null = New-PSDrive -Name:'HKCR' -PSProvider:Registry -Root:HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT -Scope:Script
        Trace-Message "'HKCR' PSDrive created(script scoped)"
    ## msi!MsiGetProductInfoW
    $extraParams = @{
        Name        = 'ProductName'
        Value       = $ProductName
        LiteralPath = 'HKCR:\Installer\Products'
        Pattern     = '^[0-9a-f]{32}$'
    return Get-GuidHelper @extraParams

function Test-IsAdministrator {
    Test-CurrentUserIsInRole 'S-1-5-32-544'

function Get-FileVersion {
    param([Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $File)
    $versionInfo = [Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo]::GetVersionInfo($File)
    New-Object System.Version $($versionInfo.FileMajorPart), $($versionInfo.FileMinorPart), $($versionInfo.FileBuildPart), $($versionInfo.FilePrivatePart)

function Get-OSVersion {
    param ()
    # [environment]::OSVersion.Version on PowerShell ISE has issues on 2012R2 (see
    # Get-CIMInstance provides a string where we don't get the revision. 
    return Get-FileVersion -File:"$env:SystemRoot\system32\ntoskrnl.exe"

function Invoke-Member {
    param ( [Object] $ComObject,
        [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $Method,
        [System.Object[]] $ArgumentList)
    if ($ComObject) {
        return $ComObject.GetType().InvokeMember($Method, [System.Reflection.BindingFlags]::InvokeMethod, $null, $ComObject, $ArgumentList)

function Invoke-GetProperty {
    param ( [Object] $ComObject,
        [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $Property,
        [Parameter(Mandatory)] [int] $Colummn)
    if ($ComObject) {
        return $ComObject.GetType().InvokeMember($Property, [System.Reflection.BindingFlags]::GetProperty, $null, $ComObject, $Colummn)

function ReleaseComObject {
    param ([Object] $ComObject)
    if ($ComObject) {
        $null = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($ComObject)

function Get-MsiFilesInfo {
    param ([Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $MsiPath)

    function Get-MsiFileTableHelper {
        param ([Parameter(Mandatory)] [Object] $Database)
        try {
            ## @see
            $view = Invoke-Member $Database 'OpenView' ("SELECT * FROM File")
            Invoke-Member $view 'Execute'
            $rez = @{}
            while ($null -ne ($record = Invoke-Member $view 'Fetch')) {
                $file = Invoke-GetProperty $record 'StringData' 1
                $FileName = Invoke-GetProperty $record 'StringData' 3
                $versionString = $(Invoke-GetProperty $record 'StringData' 5)
                $version = if ($versionString) {
                else {
                $rez.$file = [ordered] @{
                    Component  = Invoke-GetProperty $record 'StringData' 2
                    FileName   = $FileName
                    FileSize   = [convert]::ToInt64($(Invoke-GetProperty $record 'StringData' 4))
                    Version    = $version
                    Language   = Invoke-GetProperty $record 'StringData' 6
                    Attributes = [convert]::ToInt16($(Invoke-GetProperty $record 'StringData' 7))
                    Sequence   = [convert]::ToInt16($(Invoke-GetProperty $record 'StringData' 8))
                ReleaseComObject $record
            return $rez
        catch {
        finally {
            Invoke-Member $view 'Close'
            ReleaseComObject $view 
    try {
        $installer = New-Object -ComObject:WindowsInstaller.Installer        
        ## @see
        $database = Invoke-Member $installer 'OpenDatabase' ($MsiPath, 0)
        return Get-MsiFileTableHelper -Database:$database
    catch {
    finally {
        ReleaseComObject $database
        ReleaseComObject $installer

function Test-ExternalScripts {
    param ()
    if ($OnboardingScript.Length) {
        if (-not (Test-Path -LiteralPath:$OnboardingScript -PathType:Leaf)) {
            Exit-Install -Message:"$OnboardingScript does not exist" -ExitCode:$ERR_ONBOARDING_NOT_FOUND
        ## validate it is an "onboarding" script.
        $on = Get-Content -LiteralPath:$OnboardingScript | Where-Object {
            $_ -match 'add\s+"HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Policies\\Microsoft\\Windows Advanced Threat Protection"\s+\/v\s+OnboardingInfo'
        if ($on.Length -eq 0) {
            Exit-Install -Message:"Not an onboarding script: $OnboardingScript" -ExitCode:$ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER

        if (-not (Test-IsAdministrator)) {
            Exit-Install -Message:'Onboarding scripts need to be invoked from an elevated process' -ExitCode:$ERR_INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES
        $pause = Get-Content -LiteralPath:$OnboardingScript | Where-Object { $_ -imatch '^pause$' }
        if ($pause.Length -ne 0) {
            ## Please read:
            Exit-Install -Message:"Please use the onboarding script for Group Policy as it is non-interactive, $OnboardingScript might wait for user input" -ExitCode:$ERR_INVALID_SCRIPT_TYPE

    if ($OffboardingScript.Length) {
        if (-not (Test-Path -LiteralPath:$OffboardingScript -PathType:Leaf)) {
            Exit-Install -Message:"$OffboardingScript does not exist" -ExitCode:$ERR_OFFBOARDING_NOT_FOUND

        $off = Get-Content -LiteralPath:$OffboardingScript | Where-Object {
            $_ -match 'add\s+"HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Policies\\Microsoft\\Windows Advanced Threat Protection"\s+\/v\s+696C1FA1-4030-4FA4-8713-FAF9B2EA7C0A'
        if ($off.Length -eq 0) {
            Exit-Install -Message:"Not an offboarding script: $OffboardingScript" -ExitCode:$ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER

        if (-not (Test-IsAdministrator)) {
            Exit-Install -Message:'Offboarding scripts need to be invoked from an elevated process' -ExitCode:$ERR_INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES

        $pause = Get-Content -LiteralPath:$OffboardingScript | Where-Object { $_ -imatch '^pause$' }
        if ($pause.Length -ne 0) {
            ## Please read:
            Exit-Install -Message:"Please use the offboarding script for Group Policy as it is non-interactive, $OffboardingScript might wait for user input" -ExitCode:$ERR_INVALID_SCRIPT_TYPE

function Get-RegistryKey {
    param([Parameter(Mandatory)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string] $LiteralPath,
        [Parameter(Mandatory)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string] $Name)

    ## @note: Get-ItemPropertyValue ... -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue is complaining about errors.
    $k = Get-ItemProperty -LiteralPath:$LiteralPath -Name:$Name -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue
    if ($k) {
        return $k.$Name

    return $null

function Invoke-MpCmdRun {
        [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowEmptyCollection()] [string[]] $ArgumentList,
        [uint16] $SkipFrames = 4
    $startParams = @{
        FilePath   = Join-Path -Path:$(Get-RegistryKey -LiteralPath:'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Defender' -Name:'InstallLocation') 'MpCmdRun.exe'
        SkipFrames = $SkipFrames
    if ($ArgumentList) {
        $startParams.ArgumentList = $ArgumentList
    Measure-Process @startParams

function Start-TraceSession {

    $guid = [guid]::NewGuid().Guid
    $wdprov = Join-Path -Path:$env:TEMP "$guid.temp"
    $tempFile = Join-Path -Path:$env:TEMP "$guid.etl"
    $etlLog = "$PSScriptRoot\$logBase.etl"
    $wppTracingLevel = 'WppTracingLevel'        
    $reportingPath = 'HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Reporting'
    $etlParams = @{
        ArgumentList = @($PSScriptRoot, $logBase, $wdprov, $tempFile, $etlLog, $wppTracingLevel, $reportingPath)

    if (-not (Test-IsAdministrator)) {
        # non-administrator should be able to install.
        $etlParams.Credential = Get-Credential -UserName:Administrator -Message:"Administrator credential are required for starting an ETW session:"
        $etlParams.ComputerName = 'localhost'
        $etlParams.EnableNetworkAccess = $true

    if (Test-Path -LiteralPath:$etlLog -PathType:leaf) {
        if (Test-Path -LiteralPath:"$PSScriptRoot\$logBase.prev.etl") {
            Remove-Item -LiteralPath:"$PSScriptRoot\$logBase.prev.etl" -ErrorAction:Stop
        Rename-Item -LiteralPath:$etlLog -NewName:"$logBase.prev.etl" -ErrorAction:Stop

    $scmWppTracingKey = 'HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Tracing\SCM\Regular'
    $scmWppTracingValue = 'TracingDisabled'
    $scmTracingDisabled = Get-RegistryKey -LiteralPath:$scmWppTracingKey -Name:$scmWppTracingValue
    if (1 -eq $scmTracingDisabled) {
        ## certain SCM issues could be investigated only if ebcca1c2-ab46-4a1d-8c2a-906c2ff25f39 is enabled.
        ## Unfortunatelly SCM does not register ebcca1c2-ab46-4a1d-8c2a-906c2ff25f39 when HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Tracing\SCM\Regular[TracingDisabled] is (DWORD)1,
        ## therefore it cannot be enabled / disabled without a restart.
        Trace-Warning "Service Control Manager tracing is disabled (see $scmWppTracingKey[$scmWppTracingValue])"

    Invoke-Command @etlparams -ScriptBlock: {
        param($ScriptRoot, $logBase, $wdprov, $tempFile, $etlLog, $wppTracingLevel, $reportingPath);
        ## enable providers
        $providers = @(
            @{Guid = 'ebcca1c2-ab46-4a1d-8c2a-906c2ff25f39'; Flags = 0x0FFFFFFF; Level = 0xff; Name = "SCM" },
            @{Guid = 'B0CA1D82-539D-4FB0-944B-1620C6E86231'; Flags = 0xffffffff; Level = 0xff; Name = 'EventLog' },
            @{Guid = 'A676B545-4CFB-4306-A067-502D9A0F2220'; Flags = 0xfffff; Level = 0x5; Name = 'setup' },
            @{Guid = '81abafee-28b9-4df5-bb2d-5b0be87829f5'; Flags = 0xff; Level = 0x1f; Name = 'mpwixca' },
            @{Guid = '68edb168-7705-494b-a746-9297abdc91d3'; Flags = 0xff; Level = 0x1f; Name = 'mpsigstub' },
            @{Guid = '2a94554c-2fbe-46d0-9fa6-60562281b0cb'; Flags = 0xff; Level = 0x1f; Name = 'msmpeng' },
            @{Guid = 'db30e9dc-354d-48b5-9dc0-aeaebc5c6b54'; Flags = 0xff; Level = 0x1f; Name = 'mpclient' },
            @{Guid = 'ac45fef1-612b-4066-85a7-dd0a5e8a7f30'; Flags = 0xff; Level = 0x1f; Name = 'mpsvc' },
            @{Guid = '5638cd78-bc82-608a-5b69-c9c7999b411c'; Flags = 0xff; Level = 0x1f; Name = 'mpengine' },
            @{Guid = '449df70e-dba7-42c8-ba01-4d0911a4aecb'; Flags = 0xff; Level = 0x1f; Name = 'mpfilter' },
            @{Guid = 'A90E9218-1F47-49F5-AB71-9C6258BD7ECE'; Flags = 0xff; Level = 0x1f; Name = 'mpcmdrun' },
            @{Guid = '0c62e881-558c-44e7-be07-56b991b9401a'; Flags = 0xff; Level = 0x1f; Name = 'mprtp' },
            @{Guid = 'b702d31c-f586-4fc0-bcf5-f929745199a4'; Flags = 0xff; Level = 0x1f; Name = 'nriservice' },
            @{Guid = '4bc60e5e-1e5a-4ec8-b0a3-a9efc31c6667'; Flags = 0xff; Level = 0x1f; Name = 'nridriver' },
            @{Guid = 'FFBD47B1-B3A9-4E6E-9A44-64864363DB83'; Flags = 0xff; Level = 0x1f; Name = 'mpdlpcmd' },
            @{Guid = '942bda7f-e07d-5a00-96d3-92f5bcb7f377'; Flags = 0xff; Level = 0x1f; Name = 'mpextms' },
            @{Guid = 'bc4992b8-a44c-4f70-834b-9d45df9b1824'; Flags = 0xff; Level = 0x1f; Name = 'WdDevFlt' }
        Set-Content -LiteralPath:$wdprov -Value:"# {PROVIDER_GUID}<space>FLAGS<space>LEVEL" -Encoding:ascii
        $providers | ForEach-Object {
            # Any line that starts with '#','*',';' is commented out
            # '-' in front of a provider disables it.
            # {PROVIDER_GUID}<space>FLAGS<space>LEVEL
            Add-Content -LiteralPath:$wdprov -Value:("{{{0}}} {1} {2}" -f $_.Guid, $_.Flags, $_.Level) -Encoding:ascii
        try {            
            $jobParams = @{
                Name               = "Setting up $wppTracingLevel"
                ScriptBlock        = { 
                    param([string] $reportingPath, [string] $wppTracingLevel)
                    function Set-RegistryKey {
                        param([Parameter(Mandatory)][string] $LiteralPath,
                            [Parameter(Mandatory)][string] $Name,
                            [Parameter(Mandatory)][object] $Value)
                        function Set-ContainerPath {
                            param([Parameter(Mandatory)][string] $LiteralPath)
                            if (!(Test-Path -LiteralPath:$LiteralPath -PathType:Container)) {
                                $parent = Split-Path -Path:$LiteralPath -Parent
                                Set-ContainerPath -LiteralPath:$parent
                                $leaf = Split-Path -Path:$LiteralPath -Leaf
                                $null = New-Item -Path:$parent -Name:$leaf -ItemType:Directory
                        Set-ContainerPath -LiteralPath:$LiteralPath
                        Set-ItemProperty -LiteralPath:$LiteralPath -Name:$Name -Value:$Value

                    Set-RegistryKey -LiteralPath:$reportingPath -Name:$wppTracingLevel -Value:0 -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue
                ArgumentList       = @($reportingPath, $wppTracingLevel)
                ScheduledJobOption = New-ScheduledJobOption -RunElevated
            try {
                $scheduledJob = Register-ScheduledJob @jobParams -ErrorAction:Stop
                $taskParams = @{
                    TaskName  = $scheduledJob.Name
                    Action    = New-ScheduledTaskAction -Execute $scheduledJob.PSExecutionPath -Argument:$scheduledJob.PSExecutionArgs
                    Principal = New-ScheduledTaskPrincipal -UserId:'NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM' -LogonType:ServiceAccount -RunLevel:Highest
                $scheduledTask = Register-ScheduledTask @taskParams -ErrorAction:Stop
                Start-ScheduledTask -InputObject:$scheduledTask -ErrorAction:Stop -AsJob | Wait-Job | Remove-Job -Force -Confirm:$false
                $SCHED_S_TASK_RUNNING = 0x41301
                do {
                    Start-Sleep -Milliseconds:10
                    $LastTaskResult = (Get-ScheduledTaskInfo -InputObject:$scheduledTask).LastTaskResult
                } while ($LastTaskResult -eq $SCHED_S_TASK_RUNNING)
            catch {
                Trace-Warning "Error: $_"
            finally {
                if ($scheduledJob) {
                    Unregister-ScheduledJob -InputObject $scheduledJob -Force
                if ($scheduledTask) {
                    Unregister-ScheduledTask -InputObject $scheduledTask -Confirm:$false
            $wpp = Get-RegistryKey -LiteralPath:$reportingPath -Name:$wppTracingLevel
            if ($null -eq $wpp) {
                Trace-Warning "$reportingPath[$wppTracingLevel] could not be created"
            else {
                Trace-Message "$reportingPath[$wppTracingLevel]=$wpp"

            #Set-ItemProperty -LiteralPath:'HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Tracing\SCM\Regular' -Name:'TracingDisabled' -Value:0
            & logman.exe create trace -n $logBase -pf $wdprov -ets -o $tempFile *>$null
            if (0 -eq $LASTEXITCODE) {
                Trace-Message "Tracing session '$logBase' started."
            else {
                Trace-Warning "logman.exe create trace -n $logBase -pf $wdprov -ets -o $tempFile exited with exitcode $LASTEXITCODE"
        catch {
        finally {
            Remove-Item -LiteralPath:$wdprov -ErrorAction:Continue
    return $etlParams

$currentDate = Get-Date
$Installps1LogName = "InstallPS1-$env:COMPUTERNAME.$($currentDate.ToString('yyMMddTHHmmssfffzzz').Replace(':', '')).log"
if (-not $NoMSILog.IsPresent -or -not $NoEtl.IsPresent) { 
    $InstallLogPath = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath:$Installps1LogName
    try {
        $Script:InstallLog = New-Object -TypeName:'System.IO.StreamWriter' -ArgumentList:@($InstallLogPath, $true)
        Trace-Message "$($PSCmdLet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) traces will be saved to $InstallLogPath"
    catch {
        Trace-Warning "Error: $_"
Trace-Message "Running command: $(Get-CommandLine $PSCmdLet.MyInvocation)"

    @{ Name = 'ERR_INTERNAL'; Value = 1 }                   ## Not used.
    @{ Name = 'ERR_INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES'; Value = 3 }    ## Are you running as Administrator?
    @{ Name = 'ERR_NO_INTERNET_CONNECTIVITY'; Value = 4 }   ## Are you behind a proxy? Is network on?
    @{ Name = 'ERR_CONFLICTING_APPS'; Value = 5 }           ## Not used.
    @{ Name = 'ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER'; Value = 6 }          ## Are you providing the right parameters to this script? Did you missmatch **On**boardingScript with an **Off**boarding script or vice-versa?
    @{ Name = 'ERR_UNSUPPORTED_DISTRO'; Value = 10 }        ## Is this a server SKU? Is this '2012 R2' or '2016' Server?
    @{ Name = 'ERR_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION'; Value = 11 }       ## Uninstall using the regular Administator account (Using System was fixed in Feb 2023)
    @{ Name = 'ERR_PENDING_REBOOT'; Value = 12 }            ## A dependent component requested a reboot.
    @{ Name = 'ERR_INSUFFICIENT_REQUIREMENTS'; Value = 13 } ## A requirement was not satisfied, cannot continue.
    @{ Name = 'ERR_UNEXPECTED_STATE'; Value = 14 }          ## Cannot handle the task in the current state of the product. Manual intervention is required.
    @{ Name = 'ERR_CORRUPTED_FILE'; Value = 15 }            ## All executable files (and this script) should be signed. Was one of the files (md4ws.msi) truncated?
    @{ Name = 'ERR_MSI_NOT_FOUND'; Value = 16 }             ## Is the MSI in the same directory like this file?
    @{ Name = 'ERR_ALREADY_UNINSTALLED'; Value = 17 }       ## Not used.
    @{ Name = 'ERR_DIRECTORY_NOT_WRITABLE'; Value = 18 }    ## Current directory should be writeable (to write the installation/uninstallation logs)
    @{ Name = 'ERR_MDE_NOT_INSTALLED'; Value = 20 }         ## Cannot uninstall something that is not installed.
    @{ Name = 'ERR_INSTALLATION_FAILED'; Value = 21 }       ## Not used.
    @{ Name = 'ERR_UNINSTALLATION_FAILED'; Value = 22 }     ## Not used.
    @{ Name = 'ERR_FAILED_DEPENDENCY'; Value = 23 }         ## Not used
    @{ Name = 'ERR_ONBOARDING_NOT_FOUND'; Value = 30 }      ## Check passed onboarding script path. Does it point to an existing file? 
    @{ Name = 'ERR_ONBOARDING_FAILED'; Value = 31 }         ## Onboarding script failed.
    @{ Name = 'ERR_OFFBOARDING_NOT_FOUND'; Value = 32 }     ## Check passed offboarding script path. Does it point to an existing file? 
    @{ Name = 'ERR_OFFBOARDING_FAILED'; Value = 33 }        ## Offboarding script failed.
    @{ Name = 'ERR_NOT_ONBOARDED'; Value = 34 }             ## Cannot offboard if not onboarded
    @{ Name = 'ERR_NOT_OFFBOARDED'; Value = 35 }            ## Cannot onboard if already onboarded.
    @{ Name = 'ERR_MSI_USED_BY_OTHER_PROCESS'; Value = 36 } ## md4ws.msi is opened by a process (orca.exe?!), preventing a successful installation.
    @{ Name = 'ERR_INVALID_SCRIPT_TYPE'; Value = 37 }       ## Onboarding/Offboading scripts shouldn't require any user interaction.
    @{ Name = 'ERR_TAMPER_PROTECTED'; Value = 38 }           ## Uninstallation cannot continue, since the product is still tamper protected.
    @{ Name = 'ERR_MDE_GROUP_POLICY_DISABLED'; Value = 39 }  ## HKLM:\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender[DisableAntiSpyware] is set to 1.
) | ForEach-Object { 
    Set-Variable -Name:$_.Name -Value:$_.Value -Option:Constant -Scope:Script 

if (-not [System.Environment]::Is64BitOperatingSystem) {
    Exit-Install "Only 64 bit OSes (Server 2012 R2 or Server 2016) are currently supported by this script" -ExitCode:$ERR_UNSUPPORTED_DISTRO
elseif (-not [System.Environment]::Is64BitProcess) {
    Trace-Warning "Current process IS NOT 64bit. Did you start a 'Windows Powershell (x86)'?!"
    $nativePowershell = "$env:SystemRoot\sysnative\windowspowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe"
    if (-not (Test-Path -LiteralPath:$nativePowershell -PathType:Leaf)) {
        Exit-Install "Cannot figure out 64 bit powershell location. Please run this script from a 64bit powershell." -ExitCode:$ERR_UNEXPECTED_STATE
    [System.Collections.ArrayList] $argumentList = New-Object -TypeName:'System.Collections.ArrayList'
    $argumentList.AddRange(@('-NoProfile', '-NonInteractive', '-File', $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path))
    if ($MyInvocation.BoundParameters.Count -gt 0) {
        function Get-EscapeString {
            param([string] $s)
            if ($null -ne $s -and ' ' -in $s -and $s[0] -ne '"') {
                "`"{0}'" -f $s
            else {
        foreach ($boundparam in $MyInvocation.BoundParameters.GetEnumerator()) {
            if ($boundparam.Value -is [switch]) {
                if ($boundparam.Value.ToBool()) {
                    $null = $argumentList.Add($("-{0}" -f $boundparam.Key))
            else {
                $val = ''
                foreach ($k in ($boundparam.Value)) {
                    $val += if ($val.Length) { ',' } else { ':' }
                    $val += Get-EscapeString $k
                $null = $argumentList.Add($("-{0}{1}" -f $boundparam.Key, $val))
        foreach ($k in $MyInvocation.UnboundArguments.GetEnumerator()) {
            $null = $argumentList.Add($("{0}" -f (Get-EscapeString $k)))
    $psArgumentList = $argumentList.ToArray()
    Trace-Message "Running $nativePowershell $psArgumentList"
    & $nativePowershell $psArgumentList
    if (-not $?) {
        Trace-Warning "$nativePowershell $psArgumentList exited with exitcode $LASTEXITCODE"

if ('Tls12' -notin [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol) {
    ## Server 2016/2012R2 might not have this one enabled and all Invoke-WebRequest might fail.
    [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
    Trace-Message "[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol updated to '$([Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol)'"

if ($null -eq $ExtraWebRequestOptions) {
    $ExtraWebRequestOptions = @{}
else {
    ## validate ExtraWebRequestOptions hash
    [bool] $validExtraWebRequestOptions = $true
    foreach ($useOption in 'Uri', 'OutFile', 'ErrorAction', 'UseBasicParsing') {
        if ($ExtraWebRequestOptions.ContainsKey($useOption)) {
            Trace-Warning "Please remove $useOption from ExtraWebRequestOption hash and try again."
            $validExtraWebRequestOptions = $false
    if (-not $validExtraWebRequestOptions) {
        Exit-Install -Message:"Invalid parameter ExtraWebRequestOption (see the above warnings)" -ExitCode:$ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER

$osVersion = Get-OSVersion

## make sure we capture logs by default.
[bool] $etl = -not $NoEtl.IsPresent
[bool] $log = -not $NoMSILog.IsPresent

[string] $msi = if ($DevMode.IsPresent -or ((Test-Path -Path:"$PSScriptRoot\md4ws-devmode.msi") -and -not (Test-Path -Path:"$PSScriptRoot\md4ws.msi"))) {
    ## This is used internally (never released to the public) by product team to test private builds.
    Join-Path -Path:$PSScriptRoot "md4ws-devmode.msi"
else {
    Join-Path -Path:$PSScriptRoot "md4ws.msi"

$action = if ($Uninstall.IsPresent) { 'uninstall' }  else { 'install' }
$logBase = "$action-$env:COMPUTERNAME"

if ($etl -or $log) {
    ## make sure $PSSCriptRoot is writable. 
    $tempFile = Join-Path -Path:$PSScriptRoot "$([guid]::NewGuid().Guid).tmp"
    Set-Content -LiteralPath:$tempFile -Value:'' -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue
    if (-not (Test-Path -LiteralPath:$tempFile -PathType:Leaf)) {
        Exit-Install "Cannot create $tempFile. Is $PSScriptRoot writable?" -ExitCode:$ERR_DIRECTORY_NOT_WRITABLE
    else {
        Remove-Item -LiteralPath:$tempFile -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue
        $tempFile = $null

$etlParams = @{}

try {
    $tempMsiLog = Join-Path -Path:$env:TEMP "$([guid]::NewGuid().Guid).log"
    [System.IO.FileStream] $msiStream = $null
    if ($action -eq 'install') {
        ## $msi should be checked as early as possible, see ICM#413339981
        if (-not (Test-Path -LiteralPath:$msi -PathType:leaf)) {
            Exit-Install "$msi does not exist. Please download latest $(Split-Path -Path:$msi -Leaf) into $PSScriptRoot and try again." -ExitCode:$ERR_MSI_NOT_FOUND
        else {
            try {
                $msiStream = [System.IO.File]::OpenRead($msi)
                Trace-Message ("Handle {0} opened over {1}" -f $msiStream.SafeFileHandle.DangerousGetHandle(), $msi)
            catch {
                ## Orca ( likes to keep a opened handle to $msi
                ## and if installation happens during this time  Get-AuthenticodeSignature will get an 'Unknown' status. 
                ## Same with msiexec.exe, so better check for this scenario here.
                Exit-Install "Cannot open $msi for read: $_.Exception" -ExitCode:$ERR_MSI_USED_BY_OTHER_PROCESS
            $status = (Get-AuthenticodeSignature -FilePath:$msi).Status
            if ($status -ne 'Valid') {
                Exit-Install "Unexpected authenticode signature status($status) for $msi" -ExitCode:$ERR_CORRUPTED_FILE
            Trace-Message "$($(Get-FileHash -LiteralPath:$msi).Hash) $msi"
    if ($null -ne $RemoveMMA) {
        $mma = New-Object -ComObject 'AgentConfigManager.MgmtSvcCfg'
        $workspaces = @($mma.GetCloudWorkspaces() | Select-Object -ExpandProperty:workspaceId)
        if ($RemoveMMA -in $workspaces) {
            Trace-Message "Removing cloud workspace $($RemoveMMA.Guid)..." 
            $workspaces = @($mma.GetCloudWorkspaces() | Select-Object -ExpandProperty:workspaceId)
            if ($workspaces.Count -gt 0) {
            else {
                Stop-Service HealthService
            Trace-Message "Workspace $($RemoveMMA.Guid) removed."
        else {
            Exit-Install "Invalid workspace id $($RemoveMMA.Guid)" -ExitCode:$ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER
    $msiLog = "$PSScriptRoot\$logBase.log"    
    if ($log -and (Test-Path -LiteralPath:$msiLog -PathType:Leaf)) {
        if (Test-Path -LiteralPath:"$PSScriptRoot\$logBase.prev.log") {
            Remove-Item -LiteralPath:"$PSScriptRoot\$logBase.prev.log" -ErrorAction:Stop
        Rename-Item -LiteralPath:$msiLog -NewName:"$PSScriptRoot\$logBase.prev.log"
    ## The new name is 'Microsoft Defender for Endpoint' - to avoid confusions on Server 2016.
    $displayName = 'Microsoft Defender for (Windows Server|Endpoint)'
    $uninstallGUID = Get-UninstallGuid -DisplayName:$displayName

    ## Next 3 traces are here because they are helpful for investigations.
    $buildLabEx = Get-RegistryKey -LiteralPath:'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion' -Name:'BuildLabEx'
    Trace-Message "BuildLabEx: $buildLabEx"
    $editionID = Get-RegistryKey -LiteralPath:'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion' -Name:'EditionID'
    Trace-Message "EditionID: $editionID"
    $lastBootTime = Get-CurrentBootSession
    Trace-Message "LastBootUpTime: $lastBootTime"
    Trace-Message "CurrentTime   : $($currentDate.ToString('yy/MM/ddTHH:mm:ss.fffzzz'))"
    $scriptPath = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
    Trace-Message "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) version: $(Get-ScriptVersion -LiteralPath:$scriptPath)"

    $pendingReboot = Get-RegistryKey -LiteralPath:$Script:InstallPS1HKLM -Name:'PendingReboot'
    if ($pendingReboot -eq $lastBootTime) {        
        Trace-Warning "Previous run of $($PSCmdLet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) requested a reboot"
        Exit-Install -Message:"Please restart this computer to continue $($PSCmdLet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) actions" -ExitCode:$ERR_PENDING_REBOOT
    elseif ($null -ne $pendingReboot) {
        Remove-ItemProperty -LiteralPath:$Script:InstallPS1HKLM -Name:'PendingReboot' -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue

    if ($action -eq 'install') {
        if ($osVersion.Major -eq 6 -and $osVersion.Minor -eq 3) {
            $windefend = Get-Service -Name:'WinDefend' -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue
            $wdnissvc = Get-Service -Name:'WdNisSvc' -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue
            $wdfilter = Get-Service -Name:'WdFilter' -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue
            if ($windefend -and -not $wdnissvc -and -not $wdfilter) {
                ## workaround for ICM#278342470 (or VSO#37292177). Fixed on MOCAMP version 4.18.2111.150 or newer.
                if ($windefend.Status -eq 'Running') {
                    Exit-Install "Please reboot this computer to remove 'WinDefend' Service" -ExitCode:$ERR_PENDING_REBOOT
                elseif ($windefend.Status -eq 'Stopped') {
                    $winDefendServicePath = 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WinDefend'
                    if (Test-Path -LiteralPath:$winDefendServicePath) {
                        $imagePath = Get-RegistryKey -LiteralPath:$winDefendServicePath -Name:'ImagePath'
                        Trace-Message "WinDefend service is Stopped. ImagePath is $imagePath. Trying to remove $winDefendServicePath"
                        Remove-Item -LiteralPath:$winDefendServicePath -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue
                        if (Test-Path -LiteralPath:$winDefendServicePath) {
                            Exit-Install "Cannot remove $winDefendServicePath" -ExitCode:$ERR_UNEXPECTED_STATE
                    else {
                        Trace-Warning "WinDefend service is stopped but $winDefendServicePath is gone. This usually happens when running this script more than once without restarting the machine."
                    Exit-Install "Please restart this machine to complete 'WinDefend' service removal" -ExitCode:$ERR_PENDING_REBOOT
                else {
                    Exit-Install -Message:"Unexpected WinDefend service status: $($windefend.Status)" -ExitCode:$ERR_UNEXPECTED_STATE

            ## SCEP is different on Server 2016.
            $path = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Microsoft Security Client"        
            if (Test-Path -LiteralPath:$path) {
                $displayName = (Get-ItemProperty -LiteralPath:$path -Name:'DisplayName').DisplayName
                # See camp\src\amcore\Antimalware\Source\AppLayer\Components\Distribution\Common\CmdLineParser.h
                $exitCode = Measure-Process -FilePath:"$env:ProgramFiles\Microsoft Security Client\Setup.exe" -ArgumentList:@('/u', '/s') -PassThru
                if (0 -eq $exitCode) {
                    Trace-Message "Uninstalling '$displayName' successful."
                else {
                    Trace-Warning "Uninstalling '$displayName' exitcode: $exitCode."

            # Server2012R2 needs two KBs to be installed ... 
            function Install-KB {
                param([string] $Uri, [string]$KB, [scriptblock] $scriptBlock)
                $present = & $scriptBlock
                if ($present) {
                $PreviousProgressPreference = $ProgressPreference               
                $outFile = Join-Path -Path:$env:TEMP $((New-Object System.Uri $Uri).Segments[-1])
                try {
                    $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
                    if (Get-HotFix -Id:$KB -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue) {
                        Trace-Message "$KB already installed."
                    Trace-Message "Downloading $KB to $outFile"
                    Invoke-WebRequest -Uri:$Uri -OutFile:$outFile -ErrorAction:Stop @ExtraWebRequestOptions
                    Trace-Message "Installing $KB"
                    $link = "{0}" -f $($KB.Substring(2))
                    $exitCode = Measure-Process -FilePath:$((Get-Command 'wusa.exe').Path) -ArgumentList:@($outFile, '/quiet', '/norestart') -PassThru
                    if (0 -eq $exitCode) {
                        Trace-Message "$KB installed."
                    elseif (0x80240017 -eq $exitCode) {
                        #0x80240017 = WU_E_NOT_APPLICABLE = Operation was not performed because there are no applicable updates.
                        Exit-Install -Message:"$KB not applicable, please follow the instructions from $link" -ExitCode:$ERR_INSUFFICIENT_REQUIREMENTS
                    elseif (0xbc2 -eq $exitCode) {
                        #0xbc2=0n3010,ERROR_SUCCESS_REBOOT_REQUIRED The requested operation is successful. Changes will not be effective until the system is rebooted
                        Exit-Install -Message "$KB required a reboot" -ExitCode:$ERR_PENDING_REBOOT
                    else {
                        Exit-Install -Message:"$KB installation failed with exitcode: $exitCode. Please follow the instructions from $link" -ExitCode:$exitCode
                catch {
                    ## not ok to ignore, MSI will simply fail with generic error 1603.
                finally {
                    $ProgressPreference = $PreviousProgressPreference
                    if (Test-Path -LiteralPath:$outFile -PathType:Leaf) {
                        Trace-Message "Removing $outFile"
                        Remove-Item -LiteralPath:$outFile -Force -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue
            <## The minimum number of KBs to be applied (in this order) to a RTM Server 2012R2 image to have a successful install:
                KB2919442   prerequisite for KB2919355,
                KB2919355   prerequisite for KB3068708, KB2999226 and KB3080149,
                KB2999226   needed by WinDefend service,
                KB3080149   telemetry dependency,
                KB2959977   prerequisite for KB3045999,
                KB3068708   prerequisite for KB3045999,
                KB3045999   workaround for VSO#35611997,

                To see the list of installed hotfixes run: 'Get-HotFix | Select-Object -ExpandProperty:HotFixID'
            ## ucrt dependency (needed by WinDefend service) - see
            Install-KB -Uri:'' -KB:KB2999226 -ScriptBlock: {
                $ucrtbaseDll = "$env:SystemRoot\system32\ucrtbase.dll"
                if (Test-Path -LiteralPath:$ucrtbaseDll -PathType:Leaf) {
                    $verInfo = Get-FileVersion -File:$ucrtbaseDll
                    Trace-Message "$ucrtBaseDll version is $verInfo"
                    return $true
                Trace-Warning "$ucrtbaseDll not present, trying to install KB2999226"
                return $false
            ## telemetry dependency (needed by Sense service) - see
            Install-KB -Uri:'' -KB:KB3080149 -ScriptBlock: {
                $tdhDll = "$env:SystemRoot\system32\Tdh.dll"
                if (Test-Path -LiteralPath:$tdhDll -PathType:Leaf) {
                    $fileVersion = Get-FileVersion -File:$tdhDll
                    $minFileVersion = New-Object -TypeName:System.Version -ArgumentList:6, 3, 9600, 17958
                    if ($fileVersion -ge $minFileVersion) {
                        Trace-Message "$tdhDll version is $fileVersion"
                        return $true
                    Trace-Warning "$tdhDll version is $fileVersion (minimum version is $minFileVersion), trying to install KB3080149"
                    return $false
                Trace-Warning "$tdhDll not present, trying to install KB3080149"
                return $false
            ## needed by Sense - see VSO#35611997
            Install-KB -Uri:'' -KB:KB3045999 -ScriptBlock: {
                $osVersion = Get-OSVersion
                $minNtVersion = New-Object -TypeName:System.Version -ArgumentList:6, 3, 9600, 17736
                if ($osVersion -ge $minNtVersion) {
                    Trace-Message "OsVersion is $osVersion"
                    return $true
                Trace-Warning "Current ntoskrnl.exe version is $osVersion (minimum required is $minNtVersion), trying to install KB3045999"
                return $false

            $disableAntiSpywareGP = Get-RegistryKey -LiteralPath:'HKLM:\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender' -Name:'DisableAntiSpyware'
            if ($disableAntiSpywareGP) {
                Exit-Install "Remove(or change it to 0) HKLM:\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender[DisableAntiSpyware] and try installing again." -ExitCode:$ERR_MDE_GROUP_POLICY_DISABLED
        elseif ($osVersion.Major -eq 10 -and $osVersion.Minor -eq 0 -and $osVersion.Build -lt 18362) {
            $defenderFeature = Get-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName:'Windows-Defender' -ErrorAction:Stop
            if ($defenderFeature.State -ne 'Enabled') {
                #see ICM#394684348
                Remove-RegistryKey -LiteralPath:'HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\Microsoft-Windows-Windows Defender/Operational'

                $defenderFeature = $defenderFeature | Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -NoRestart
            if ($defenderFeature.RestartNeeded) {
                Exit-Install "Restart is required by 'Windows-Defender'" -ExitCode:$ERR_PENDING_REBOOT

            if ($null -eq $uninstallGUID) {
                $codeSQUID = Get-CodeSQUID -ProductName:$displayName
                if ($null -ne $codeSQUID) {
                    ## Workaround for ICM#320556857
                    ## Previous version of this product was not properly uninstalled triggering an upgrade scenario
                    ## that fails because MSSecFlt.inf is missing.
                    Trace-Warning "Previously installed msi was not properly uninstalled(code:$codeSQUID)"
                    foreach ($subdir in 'Products', 'Features') {
                        $item = "HKCR:\Installer\$subdir\$codeSQUID"
                        if (Test-Path -LiteralPath:$item -PathType:Container) {
                            Rename-Item -LiteralPath:$item -NewName:"$codeSQUID~" -ErrorAction:Stop
                            Trace-Warning "$item renamed to $codeSQUID~"
                        else {
                            Trace-Warning "$item not present"
            $windefendStatus = (Get-Service -Name:'WinDefend' -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue).Status
            Trace-Message "'WindDefend' service status is '$windefendStatus'"
            $imageName = (Get-RegistryKey -LiteralPath:'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WinDefend' -Name:ImagePath) -replace '"', ''            
            if (0 -eq $imageName.Length) {
                Trace-Warning "'WinDefend' image path is null or empty. Still the '$($defenderFeature.FeatureName)' feature state is $($defenderFeature.State)"
                ## Workaround for ICM#423646508. In this scenario, "Restart is required by 'Windows-Defender'" error is ignored and this script is executed again without a restart.
                ## Windows-Defender optional feature is seen as 'Enabled' (but no services/files are present on the computer just yet) and previous versions of this script started
                ## to report issues unrelated with the issue at hand.
                Exit-Install "Restart is required by 'Windows-Defender'" -ExitCode:$ERR_PENDING_REBOOT

            $currentVersion = Get-FileVersion -File:$imageName
            if ($currentVersion -lt '4.18.23050.5') {
                Trace-Warning "Current platform version is $currentVersion, a platform update is needed."

            if ($windefendStatus -ne 'Running') {
                $disableAntiSpywareGP = Get-RegistryKey -LiteralPath:'HKLM:\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender' -Name:'DisableAntiSpyware'
                if ($disableAntiSpywareGP) {
                    ## ICM#383475289 - WinDefend disabled via GP
                    Exit-Install "Remove(or change it to 0) HKLM:\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender[DisableAntiSpyware] and try installing again." -ExitCode:$ERR_MDE_GROUP_POLICY_DISABLED

                if ($currentVersion -lt '4.18.2102.4' -and $windefendStatus -eq 'Stopped') {
                    ## ICM#391597247. Possible scenarios:
                    ## - WinDefend was disabled via 'mpcmdrun.exe disableservice' sometimes between 2017 to 2021.
                    ## - or the platform was reset to inbox version and after that disabled.
                    $isDisabled = (Get-Service -Name:'WinDefend' -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue).StartType -eq 'Disabled'
                    if ($isDisabled) {
                        #define SERVICE_AUTO_START 0x00000002
                        #define SERVICE_DISABLED   0x00000004
                        Set-ItemProperty -LiteralPath:'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WinDefend' -Name:'Start' -Value:2 -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue
                        $isDisabled = (Get-Service -Name:'WinDefend' -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue).StartType -eq 'Disabled'
                        if ($isDisabled) {
                            Exit-Install "Cannot enable 'WinDefend' service" -ExitCode:$ERR_UNEXPECTED_STATE
                        Trace-Message "'WinDefend' service has been enabled."
                ## try to start it using 'mpcmdrun wdenable' (best effort)
                $disableAntiSpyware = Get-RegistryKey -LiteralPath:'HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows Defender' -Name:'DisableAntiSpyware'
                if ($null -ne $disableAntiSpyware -and 0 -ne $disableAntiSpyware) {
                    Trace-Warning "DisableAntiSpyware is set to $disableAntiSpyware (should be zero)"
                Invoke-MpCmdRun -ArgumentList:@('WDEnable')
                $windefendStatus = (Get-Service -Name:'WinDefend' -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue).Status

            # Server 2016 - Windows Defender is shipped with OS, need to check if inbox version is updatable and latest.
            # Expectations are that 'Windows Defender Features' are installed and up-to-date            
            if ($windefendStatus -eq 'Running') {                
                if ($currentVersion -lt '4.10.14393.2515') {
                    Exit-Install 'Windows Defender platform update requirement not met. Please apply the latest cumulative update (LCU) for Windows first. Minimum required is' -ExitCode:$ERR_INSUFFICIENT_REQUIREMENTS
                $previousProgressPreference = $Global:ProgressPreference
                $deleteUpdatePlatform = $false
                try {
                    $Global:ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
                    $msiVersion = (Get-MsiFilesInfo -MsiPath:$msi).'MPCLIENT.DLL'.Version
                    $updatePlatformBaseName = if ($DevMode.IsPresent) { 'UpdatePlatformD.exe' } else { 'UpdatePlatform.exe' }
                    if ($currentVersion -lt $msiVersion) {
                        Trace-Message "Current platform version is $currentVersion, msiVersion is $msiVersion"
                        $updatePlatform = Join-Path -Path:$PSScriptRoot $updatePlatformBaseName
                        if (-not (Test-Path -LiteralPath:$updatePlatform -PathType:Leaf) -and -not $DevMode.IsPresent) {
                            ## Download $updatePlatformBaseName from $uri *only if* the UpdatePlatform is not present.
                            $uri = ''
                            Trace-Message "$updatePlatformBaseName not present under $PSScriptRoot"
                            try {
                                $latestVersion = ([xml]((Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri:"$uri&action=info" @ExtraWebRequestOptions).Content)).versions.platform
                            catch {
                                Trace-Warning "Error: $_"
                                Exit-Install "Cannot download the latest $updatePlatformBaseName. Please download it from $uri under $PSScriptRoot\$updatePlatformBaseName" -ExitCode:$ERR_NO_INTERNET_CONNECTIVITY

                            if ($latestVersion -lt $msiVersion) {
                                Trace-Warning "Changing msiVersion from $msiVersion to $latestVersion"
                                $msiVersion = $latestVersion
                            if ($latestVersion -gt $currentVersion) {
                                Trace-Message "Downloading latest $updatePlatformBaseName (version $latestVersion) from $uri"
                                $deleteUpdatePlatform = $true
                                $updatePlatform = Join-Path -Path:$env:TEMP $updatePlatformBaseName
                                Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri:$uri -OutFile:$updatePlatform @ExtraWebRequestOptions
                            else {
                                Trace-Message "Running platform is up-to-date"
                        if (Test-Path -LiteralPath:$updatePlatform -PathType:Leaf) {
                            $updatePlatformVersion = Get-FileVersion -File:$updatePlatform
                            if ($updatePlatformVersion -lt $msiVersion) {
                                Exit-Install "Minimum required version is $msiVersion. $updatePlatform version is $updatePlatformVersion" -ExitCode:$ERR_INSUFFICIENT_REQUIREMENTS

                            $status = (Get-AuthenticodeSignature -FilePath:$updatePlatform).Status
                            if ($status -ne 'Valid') {
                                Exit-Install "Unexpected authenticode signature status($status) for $updatePlatform" -ExitCode:$ERR_CORRUPTED_FILE
                            ## make sure the right file was downloaded (or present in this directory)
                            $fileInfo = [System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo]::GetVersionInfo($updatePlatform)
                            if ($updatePlatformBaseName -ne $fileInfo.InternalName) {
                                Exit-Install "Unexpected file: $updatePlatform, InternalName='$($fileInfo.InternalName)' (expecting '$updatePlatformBaseName')" -ExitCode:$ERR_CORRUPTED_FILE
                            if ('Microsoft Malware Protection' -ne $fileInfo.ProductName) {
                                Exit-Install "Unexpected file: $updatePlatform, ProductName='$($fileInfo.ProductName)' (expecting 'Microsoft Malware Protection')" -ExitCode:$ERR_CORRUPTED_FILE

                            Trace-Message ("Running $updatePlatformBaseName (version {0})" -f (Get-FileVersion -File:$updatePlatform))
                            Measure-Process -FilePath:$updatePlatform
                            $imageName = (Get-ItemPropertyValue -LiteralPath:'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WinDefend' -Name:ImagePath) -replace '"', ''
                            $currentVersion = Get-FileVersion -File:$imageName
                            if ($currentVersion -lt $latestVersion) {
                                Exit-Install "Current version is $currentVersion, expected to be at least $latestVersion" -ExitCode:$ERR_INSUFFICIENT_REQUIREMENTS
                        Trace-Message "Current platform version is $currentVersion"
                catch {
                finally {
                    $Global:ProgressPreference = $previousProgressPreference
                    if ($deleteUpdatePlatform) {
                        Remove-Item -LiteralPath:$updatePlatform -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue
                        if (Test-Path -LiteralPath:$updatePlatform -PathType:Leaf) {
                            Trace-Warning "Could not delete $updatePlatform"
                        else {
                            Trace-Message "$updatePlatform deleted"
            else {
                Exit-Install "'WinDefend' service is not running." -ExitCode:$ERR_UNEXPECTED_STATE

            $krnlACL = Get-Acl -Path:"$env:SystemRoot\System32\ntoskrnl.exe"
            if ($krnlACL.Owner -ne 'NT SERVICE\TrustedInstaller') {
                ## See ICM#379926141 - unable to install md4ws.msi "Unsupported OS version"
                $wrongOwner = $krnlACL.Owner
                $ti = New-Object -TypeName:System.Security.Principal.NTAccount('NT SERVICE\TrustedInstaller')
                Set-Acl -Path:"$env:SystemRoot\System32\ntoskrnl.exe" -AclObject:$krnlACL
                Trace-Warning "Current owner for $env:SystemRoot\System32\ntoskrnl.exe changed from '$wrongOwner' to '$($krnlACL.Owner)'"
        else {
            Exit-Install "Unsupported OS version: $osVersion" -ExitCode:$ERR_UNSUPPORTED_DISTRO
    [hashtable] $etlParams = @{}
    $onboardedSense = Get-RegistryKey -LiteralPath:'HKLM:SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Sense' -Name:'Start'
    if ($OffboardingScript.Length -gt 0 -and ($action -eq 'uninstall' -or $null -ne $uninstallGUID)) {
        if (2 -ne $onboardedSense) {
            Exit-Install -Message:"Sense Service is not onboarded, nothing to offboard." -ExitCode:$ERR_NOT_ONBOARDED
        Trace-Message "Invoking offboarding script $OffboardingScript"
        $scriptPath = if ($OffboardingScript.Contains(' ') -and -not $OffboardingScript.StartsWith('"')) {
            '"{0}"' -f $OffboardingScript
        else {
        ## Sense service is delay starting and for offboarding to work without false positives Sense has to run. 
        $senseService = Get-Service -Name:Sense
        if ($senseService.Status -ne 'Running') {
            $senseService = Start-Service -Name:Sense -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue
        if ($senseService) {
            Trace-Message "Sense service status is '$($senseService.Status)'"             

        if ($etl) {
            ## Offboard might fail due to WinDefend changes.
            $etlParams = Start-TraceSession
        $exitCode = Measure-Process -FilePath:$((Get-Command 'cmd.exe').Path) -ArgumentList:@('/c', $scriptPath) -PassThru
        if (0 -eq $exitCode) {
            Trace-Message "Offboarding script $OffboardingScript reported success."
            $onboardedSense = Get-RegistryKey -LiteralPath:'HKLM:SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Sense' -Name:'Start'
            $endWait = (Get-Date) + 30 * [timespan]::TicksPerSecond
            $traceWarning = $true
            while (2 -eq $onboardedSense -and (Get-Date) -lt $endWait) {
                if ($traceWarning) {
                    $traceWarning = $false
                    Trace-Warning "HKLM:SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Sense[Start] is still 2. Waiting for it to change..."
                Start-Sleep -Milliseconds:100
                $onboardedSense = Get-RegistryKey -LiteralPath:'HKLM:SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Sense' -Name:'Start'
            if (2 -eq $onboardedSense) {
                Exit-Install "`'HKLM:SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Sense[Start]`' is still 2(onboarded) so offboarding failed" -ExitCode:$ERR_OFFBOARDING_FAILED
        else {
            Exit-Install "Offboarding script returned $exitCode." -ExitCode:$exitCode

    if ($action -eq 'uninstall') {
        [bool] $isTamperProtected = (Get-MpComputerStatus -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue).IsTamperProtected
        if ($isTamperProtected) {
            # This is already encoded in the product, added here for clarity.
            Exit-Install "Tamper protection is still enabled. Please disable it (or boot in 'Safe Mode') before uninstalling the product." -ExitCode:$ERR_TAMPER_PROTECTED

        & logman.exe query "SenseIRTraceLogger" -ets *>$null
        if (0 -eq $LASTEXITCODE) {
            Trace-Warning "SenseIRTraceLogger still present, removing it!"
            & logman.exe stop -n "SenseIRTraceLogger" -ets *>$null
            if (0 -ne $LASTEXITCODE) {
                Trace-Warning "SenseIRTraceLogger could not be removed, exitCode=$LASTEXITCODE"
        try {
            # MsSense executes various Powershell scripts and these ones start executables that are not tracked anymore by the MsSense.exe or SenseIr.exe
            # This is mitigated in the latest package but for previously installed packages we have to implement this hack to have a successful uninstall.
            $procs = Get-Process -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue
            foreach ($proc in $procs) {
                foreach ($m in $proc.Modules.FileName) {
                    if ($m.StartsWith("$env:ProgramFiles\Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection\") -or
                        $m.StartsWith("$env:ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection\")) {
                        Trace-Warning "Terminating outstanding process $($proc.Name)(pid:$($proc.Id))"
                        Stop-Process -InputObject:$proc -Force -ErrorAction:Stop
        catch {
            Trace-Warning "Error: $_"
            Exit-Install "Offboarding left processes that could not be stopped" -ExitCode:$ERR_OFFBOARDING_FAILED

        ## Once in a long while (after an UpdateSenseClient.exe update) MsSecFlt cannot be unloaded anymore.
        ## a kernel dump is needed to investigate this issue so this block stays here until we are lucky.
        $msSecFlt = Get-Service -Name:'MsSecFlt' -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue
        if ($null -ne $msSecFlt -and $msSecFlt.Status -eq 'Running' -and -not $msSecFlt.CanStop) {
            Trace-Warning "Service '$($msSecFlt.Name)' cannot be stopped, reboot is required"
            Exit-Install "Please restart this machine to complete '$($msSecFlt.Name)' service removal" -ExitCode:$ERR_PENDING_REBOOT

        # dealing with current powershell session that error out after this script finishes.
        foreach ($name in 'ConfigDefender', 'Defender') {
            $defender = Get-Module $name -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue
            if ($defender) {
                Remove-Module $defender
                Trace-Message 'Defender module unloaded.'

        if ($osVersion.Major -eq 6 -and $osVersion.Minor -eq 3) {
            if (Test-CurrentUserIsInRole 'S-1-5-18') {
                if ($null -ne $uninstallGUID) {
                    $displayVersion = Get-RegistryKey -LiteralPath:"HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\${uninstallGUID}" -Name:'DisplayVersion'
                    if ($displayVersion -contains '4.18.' -and $displayVersion -lt '4.18.60326') {
                        # See ICM#337407672 - This will be (or has been) fixed with build 4.18.2301.126 such that newer md4ws.msi could be uninstalled from system account. 
                        # Older msis have to be uninstalled from a normal Administrator account
                        Exit-Install "Uninstallation of version $displayVersion is not supported from System account. Try uninstalling from a regular Administrator account" -ErrorAction:$ERR_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION
                    else {
                        Trace-Warning "Running uninstall from System account - UninstallGUID is $uninstallGUID"
                else {
                    Trace-Warning "Running uninstall from System account"

            $needWmiPrvSEMitigation = if ($null -ne $uninstallGUID) {
                $displayVersion = Get-RegistryKey -LiteralPath:"HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\${uninstallGUID}" -Name:'DisplayVersion'
                ## newer versions handle this via custom action inside the MSI
                $displayVersion -lt '4.18.60321'
            else {
            if ($needWmiPrvSEMitigation) {
                # dealing with WmiPrvSE.exe keeping ProtectionManagement.dll in use (needed only on Server 2012 R2)
                Get-Process -Name:'WmiPrvSE' -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue | ForEach-Object {
                    if ($_.MainModule.FileName -ne "$env:SystemRoot\system32\wbem\wmiprvse.exe") {
                    [string] $loadedModule = ''                    
                    foreach ($m in $_.Modules.FileName) {
                        if ($m.StartsWith("$env:ProgramFiles\Windows Defender\") -or 
                            $m.StartsWith("$env:ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Platform\")) {
                            $loadedModule = $m
                    if ($loadedModule.Length -gt 0) {
                        Trace-Warning "Terminating $($proc.Name)(pid:$($proc.Id)) because has '$loadedModule' in use"
                        Stop-Process $_.Id -Force -ErrorAction:Stop
    if (2 -eq $onboardedSense) {
        # all MSI operations (installing, uninstalling, upgrading) should be performed while Sense is offboarded.
        Exit-Install -Message:"Sense Service is onboarded, offboard before reinstalling(or use -OffboardingScript with this script)" -ExitCode:$ERR_NOT_OFFBOARDED

    $argumentList = if ($action -eq 'install') {
        if ($msi.Contains(' ')) { @('/i', "`"$msi`"") } else { @('/i', $msi) }
    else {
        if ($null -eq $uninstallGUID) {
            Exit-Install "'$displayName' already uninstalled." -ExitCode:$ERR_MDE_NOT_INSTALLED
        @('/x', $uninstallGUID)

    if ($log) {
        $argumentList += '/lvx*+'
        $argumentList += if ($tempMsiLog.Contains(' ')) { "`"$tempMsiLog`"" } else { $tempMsiLog }

    if (-not $UI.IsPresent) {
        $argumentList += '/quiet'

    if ($Passive.IsPresent) {
        Trace-Message "Will force passive mode."
        $argumentList += 'FORCEPASSIVEMODE=1'
    if ($etl -and 0 -eq $etlParams.Count) {
        ## start ETW session if not already.
        $etlParams = Start-TraceSession

    $exitCode = Measure-Process -FilePath:$((Get-Command 'msiexec.exe').Path) -ArgumentList:$argumentList -PassThru
    if (0 -eq $exitCode) {
        Trace-Message "$action successful."
    else {
        Exit-Install "$action exitcode: $exitCode" -ExitCode:$exitCode
    if ($action -eq 'install') {
        if ($null -ne $codeSQUID) {
            ## install succeeded, no need to keep around these 2 registry keys.
            foreach ($subdir in 'Products', 'Features') {
                $itemPath = "HKCR:\Installer\$subdir\$codeSQUID~"
                if (Test-Path -LiteralPath:$itemPath -PathType:Container) {
                    try {
                        Remove-Item -LiteralPath:$itemPath -Recurse -ErrorAction:Stop
                        Trace-Message "$itemPath recusively removed"
                    catch {
                        Trace-Warning "Failed to remove $itemPath"

        if ($OnboardingScript.Length) {
            Trace-Message "Invoking onboarding script $OnboardingScript"
            $scriptPath = if ($OnboardingScript.Contains(' ') -and -not $OnboardingScript.StartsWith('"')) {
                '"{0}"' -f $OnboardingScript
            else {
            $argumentList = @('/c', $scriptPath)
            $exitCode = Measure-Process -FilePath:$((Get-Command 'cmd.exe').Path) -ArgumentList:$argumentList -PassThru
            if (0 -eq $exitCode) {
                Trace-Message "Onboarding successful."
            else {
                Trace-Warning "Onboarding script returned $exitCode"
catch {
finally {
    if ($msiStream.CanRead) {
        Trace-Message ("Closing handle {0}" -f $msiStream.SafeFileHandle.DangerousGetHandle())
    if ($etlParams.ContainsKey('ArgumentList')) {
        Invoke-Command @etlparams -ScriptBlock: {
            param($ScriptRoot, $logBase, $wdprov, $tempFile, $etlLog, $wppTracingLevel, $reportingPath)
            & logman.exe stop -n $logBase -ets *>$null
            if (0 -eq $LASTEXITCODE) {
                Trace-Message "Tracing session '$logBase' stopped."
            else {
                Trace-Warning "logman.exe stop -n $logBase -ets returned $LASTEXITCODE"

            try {                
                $jobParams = @{
                    Name               = "Cleanup $wppTracingLevel"
                    ScriptBlock        = { 
                        param($reportingPath, $wppTracingLevel)
                        Remove-ItemProperty -LiteralPath:$reportingPath -Name:$wppTracingLevel -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue 
                    ArgumentList       = @($reportingPath, $wppTracingLevel)
                    ScheduledJobOption = New-ScheduledJobOption -RunElevated
                $scheduledJob = Register-ScheduledJob @jobParams -ErrorAction:Stop
                $taskParams = @{
                    TaskName  = $scheduledJob.Name
                    Action    = New-ScheduledTaskAction -Execute $scheduledJob.PSExecutionPath -Argument:$scheduledJob.PSExecutionArgs
                    Principal = New-ScheduledTaskPrincipal -UserId:'NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM' -LogonType:ServiceAccount -RunLevel:Highest
                $scheduledTask = Register-ScheduledTask @taskParams -ErrorAction:Stop
                Start-ScheduledTask -InputObject:$scheduledTask -ErrorAction:Stop -AsJob | Wait-Job | Remove-Job -Force -Confirm:$false
                $SCHED_S_TASK_RUNNING = 0x41301
                do {
                    Start-Sleep -Milliseconds:10
                    $LastTaskResult = (Get-ScheduledTaskInfo -InputObject:$scheduledTask).LastTaskResult
                } while ($LastTaskResult -eq $SCHED_S_TASK_RUNNING)
                $wpp = Get-RegistryKey -LiteralPath:$reportingPath -Name:$wppTracingLevel
                if ($null -eq $wpp) {
                    Trace-Message "$reportingPath[$wppTracingLevel] removed"
            catch {
                Trace-Warning "Error: $_"
            finally {
                if ($scheduledJob) {
                    Unregister-ScheduledJob -InputObject $scheduledJob -Force
                if ($scheduledTask) {
                    Unregister-ScheduledTask -InputObject $scheduledTask -Confirm:$false

            Move-Item -LiteralPath:$tempFile -Destination:$etlLog -ErrorAction:Continue
            Trace-Message "$action.etl file: '$etlLog'."    
    else {
        Trace-Message "No $action.etl file generated."

    if ($log -and (Test-Path -LiteralPath:$tempMsiLog -PathType:Leaf)) {
        Move-Item -LiteralPath:$tempMsiLog -Destination:$msiLog -ErrorAction:Continue
        Trace-Message "Msi $action.log: '$msiLog'"
    else {
        Trace-Message "No $action.log file generated."
    if ($null -ne $Script:InstallLog) {
        Trace-Message "$($PSCmdLet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) traces: '$InstallLogPath'"
        $Script:InstallLog = $null
#Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

# SIG # Begin signature block
# b3NvZnQgQ29ycG9yYXRpb24xIzAhBgNVBAMTGk1pY3Jvc29mdCBXaW5kb3dzIFBD
# BhMCVVMxEzARBgNVBAgTCldhc2hpbmd0b24xEDAOBgNVBAcTB1JlZG1vbmQxHjAc
# BgNVBAoTFU1pY3Jvc29mdCBDb3Jwb3JhdGlvbjEaMBgGA1UEAxMRTWljcm9zb2Z0
# 2DMWmJDHmyPDmkzh+fLl2bNdYJFYVIxEDXmuYo7qVT/TlzRyHZNjfnCpNIN5BGy+
# tL1DHfbYMyeZ64rRBk5ZDyfxpC0PjuOKeo8l1Yp0DYH8o/tovvyg/7t7RBqawaFi
# 8mo9wrD5ISkTwSSMv2itkTg00L+gE8awFU17AUmplCQ9mZ91C/9wLp9wH9bIBGm5
# LnsMVzGxaxLbcqzuyi0CUj0ANTuQNZUFNTvLWj/k3W3j7iiNZRDaniVqF2i7UEpU
# Twl0A2/ET31/zrvHBzhJKaUtC31IicLI8HqTuUA96FAxGfczxleoZI6jXS2sWSYI
# BgNVHR8ETDBKMEigRqBEhkJodHRwOi8vY3JsLm1pY3Jvc29mdC5jb20vcGtpL2Ny
# bC9wcm9kdWN0cy9NaWNXaW5QQ0FfMjAxMC0wNy0wNi5jcmwwVwYIKwYBBQUHAQEE
# SzBJMEcGCCsGAQUFBzAChjtodHRwOi8vd3d3Lm1pY3Jvc29mdC5jb20vcGtpL2Nl
# SIb3DQEBCwUAA4IBAQArGdljm580qkATgRqYVsgvfdFUkL/7TpOb8yh1h5vk2SEL
# El5Bfz46bs3+ywayV/mXd8Y43M3yku5Dp7dMwRXkze6j4LJLpLQ4CMPN4fvtlPkb
# w+fQmXkHjogsb4bcJo/aUKfLy4hGUbw+uqKBLx0RRIEj6Vj2m5W7lB+rdBl8hhtr
# v5F4HYoy9lvXQhGGDwSsph+0uaZvCXSP7DOM3wOaYUQSNX6hYF5EHZsPrd334YGd
# Cldhc2hpbmd0b24xEDAOBgNVBAcTB1JlZG1vbmQxHjAcBgNVBAoTFU1pY3Jvc29m
# dCBDb3Jwb3JhdGlvbjEyMDAGA1UEAxMpTWljcm9zb2Z0IFJvb3QgQ2VydGlmaWNh
# ggEPADCCAQoCggEBAMB5uzqx8A+EuK1kKnUWc9C7B/Y+DZ0U5LGfwciUsDh8H9Az
# VfW6I2b1LihIU8cWg7r1Uax+rOAmfw90/FmV3MnGovdScFosHZSrGb+vlX2vZqFv
# m2JubUu8LzVs3qRqY1pf+/MNTWHMCn4x62wK0E2XD/1/OEbmisdzaXZVaZZM5Njw
# FtgOcgQo2Gs++BOxfKIXeU9+3DrknXAna7/b/B7HB9jAvguTHijgc23SVOkoTL9r
# MEugSaBHhkVodHRwOi8vY3JsLm1pY3Jvc29mdC5jb20vcGtpL2NybC9wcm9kdWN0
# CCsGAQUFBzAChj5odHRwOi8vd3d3Lm1pY3Jvc29mdC5jb20vcGtpL2NlcnRzL01p
# AYI3LgMwgYEwPQYIKwYBBQUHAgEWMWh0dHA6Ly93d3cubWljcm9zb2Z0LmNvbS9Q
# hvcNAQELBQADggIBAC5Bpoa1Bm/wgIX6O8oX6cn65DnClHDDZJTD2FamkI7+5Jr0
# bfVvjlONWqjzrttGbL5/HVRWGzwdccRRFVR+v+6llUIz/Q2QJCTj+dyWyvy4rL/0
# wjlWuLvtc7MX3X6GUCOLViTKu6YdmocvJ4XnobYKnA0bjPMAYkG6SHSHgv1QyfSH
# KcMDqivfGil56BIkmobt0C7TQIH1B18zBlRdQLX3sWL9TUj3bkFHUhy7G8JXOqiZ
# VpPUxt4mqGB1hrvsYqbwHQRF3z6nhNFbRCNjJTZ3b65b3CLVFCNqQX/QQqbb7yV7
# BOPSljdiBq/4Gw+Oszmau4n1NQblpFvDjJ43X1PRozf9pE/oGw5rduS4j7DC6v11
# 9yxBt5yj4R4F/peSy39ZA22oTo1OgBfU1XL2VuRIn6MjugagwI7RiE+TIPJwX9hr
# cqMgSfx3DF3Fx+ECDzhCEA7bAq6aNx1QgCkepKfZxpolVf1Ayq1kEOgx+RJUeRry
# DtjWqx4z/gLnJm1hSY/xJcKLdJnf+ZMakBzu3ZQzDkJQ239Q+J9iguymghZ8Zrzs
# mbDBWF2osJphFJHRmS9J5D6Bmdbm78rj/T7u7AmGAwcNGw186/RayZXPhxIKXezF
# ApLNBZlyyn3xKhAYOOQxoyi05kzFUqOcasd9wHEJBA1w3gI/h+5WoezrtUyFMYIa
# EDAOBgNVBAcTB1JlZG1vbmQxHjAcBgNVBAoTFU1pY3Jvc29mdCBDb3Jwb3JhdGlv
# gjcCAQwxNDAyoBSAEgBNAGkAYwByAG8AcwBvAGYAdKEagBhodHRwOi8vd3d3Lm1p
# Y3Jvc29mdC5jb20wDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQAEggEANtZIp7cEkAGCVgU65wL6BFui
# 16y194nk6Vh3pL6m9P9qyWrtidW4ZF4xL/z6hoPHfMEMLzI9TDMGWSIUtKCQoU4H
# B8a9r6BkenTf6sU5YXWY9ELXrySeya9VwpEBizAIEGdusQg7S+xSnv1f6tU956OC
# ijmbDVYSVvNQ7siWEyifefwg9YmjFhMHMTIJMAxkNY4tRcvVx4hT1oARjuQtmQFY
# pl60OoUFEvWYQabgwBNF4FaZitQRuJGd4gU7N+1tM3StQ9upqP0ytvdqWbVZGrHT
# 4GW5wCY80PIc0pxPr84SHOZ8n1nNcLGiTIoOrXGQBYXBV1RftRlBr78W94H8a6GC
# MA4GA1UEBxMHUmVkbW9uZDEeMBwGA1UEChMVTWljcm9zb2Z0IENvcnBvcmF0aW9u
# cm9zb2Z0IENvcnBvcmF0aW9uMSYwJAYDVQQDEx1NaWNyb3NvZnQgVGltZS1TdGFt
# 2XFd2gLg5nTlBm8XOpuwJIiXsMU61rwq1ZKDpa443RrSG/pH8Gz6XNnFQKGnCqNC
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# SIG # End signature block
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