[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
(new-object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LabtechConsulting/LabTech-Powershell-Module/master/LabTech.psm1') | iex
Run As Admin
This behavior is typically experienced when machines are imaged, or an improper or failed upgrade of ConnectWise ScreenConnect was processed. More than 1 computers have the same SessionGUID
- Double click the affected machine within the control center navigation tree to open the computer management window
- Right-click the Monitor icon on the top of the computer management window, and select “Software”
- Identify characters following software listing for Screenconnect Client (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx), by double clicking it. A new browser window opens with the ScreenConnect GUID in the url. Copy the GUID part of the url string.
- Click Begin > Tools > Command Prompt
- Type in the following commands in the command line window, insert the ID number attained in step #3, and hit “Enter”:
wmic product where name=”ScreenConnect Client (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)” call uninstall /nointeractive
- The command line window should display as success upon removal
- Right-click the Screenconnect icon and select “redeploy”
- After allowing the system time to redeploy (roughly 2 minutes), the icon should turn green to signify and active connection.
The above steps are also discussed in this KB article: