Install Update for Laps

Create User ( Still in GA for windows 11 but )

Enabling Windows LAPS with Microsoft Entra ID

To enable Windows LAPS with Microsoft Entra ID, you must take actions in Microsoft Entra ID and the devices you wish to manage. We recommend organizations manage Windows LAPS using Microsoft Intune. However, if your devices are Microsoft Entra joined but you’re not using Microsoft Intune or Microsoft Intune isn’t supported (like for Windows Server 2019/2022), you can still deploy Windows LAPS for Microsoft Entra ID manually. For more information, see the article Configure Windows LAPS policy settings.

  1. Sign in to the Microsoft Entra admin center as at least a Cloud Device Administrator.
  2. Browse to Identity > Devices > Overview > Device settings
  3. Select Yes for the Enable Local Administrator Password Solution (LAPS) setting and select Save. You may also use the Microsoft Graph API Update deviceRegistrationPolicy.
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