Advanced Hunting to Find Word and Excel Macros in Environment with Defender

//Summarize macro usage on your devies by creating a list all macros used, a count of how many users are using each one and the account names

//Data connector required for this query - M365 Defender - Device* tables

//Macro usage may be double counted if the same file is executed from two locations, i.e from a network share and a local drive.
//Microsoft Sentinel query
union DeviceFileEvents, DeviceNetworkEvents
| where TimeGenerated > ago(30d)
| project InitiatingProcessCommandLine, InitiatingProcessAccountName
| where InitiatingProcessCommandLine startswith '"EXCEL.EXE'  
| where InitiatingProcessCommandLine endswith '.xltm"' or InitiatingProcessCommandLine endswith '.xlsm"'
//Retrieve distinct values for process, hash and account
| distinct InitiatingProcessCommandLine, InitiatingProcessAccountName
//Parse the file path and file name from the process
| parse-where InitiatingProcessCommandLine with * '"EXCEL.EXE" "' ['Macro Filename'] '"' *
//Summarize the list of macro files by which users have used them
| summarize ['List of Users']=make_set(InitiatingProcessAccountName), ['Count of Users']=dcount(InitiatingProcessAccountName) by ['Macro Filename']
| sort by ['Count of Users'] desc 

//Advanced Hunting query

//Data connector required for this query - Advanced Hunting license

union DeviceFileEvents, DeviceNetworkEvents
| where Timestamp > ago(30d)
| project InitiatingProcessCommandLine, InitiatingProcessAccountName
| where InitiatingProcessCommandLine startswith '"EXCEL.EXE'  
| where InitiatingProcessCommandLine endswith '.xltm"' or InitiatingProcessCommandLine endswith '.xlsm"'
//Retrieve distinct values for process, hash and account
| distinct InitiatingProcessCommandLine, InitiatingProcessAccountName
//Parse the file path and file name from the process
| parse-where InitiatingProcessCommandLine with * '"EXCEL.EXE" "' ['Macro Filename'] '"' *
//Summarize the list of macro files by which users have used them
| summarize ['List of Users']=make_set(InitiatingProcessAccountName), ['Count of Users']=dcount(InitiatingProcessAccountName) by ['Macro Filename']
| sort by ['Count of Users'] desc 
//Detect when an Excel macro connects to the internet. 
//Some IPs returned shown may be Microsoft telemetry but these events are still worth investigating.

//Data connector required for this query - M365 Defender - Device* tables

//Microsoft Sentinel query
| where InitiatingProcessFileName contains "excel.exe"
| where InitiatingProcessCommandLine contains ".xlsm" or InitiatingProcessCommandLine contains ".xltm"
//Exclude Microsoft telemetry endpoints 
| where RemoteUrl !endswith "" 
    and RemoteUrl !endswith ""
    and RemoteUrl !endswith ""
    and RemoteUrl !endswith ""
    and RemoteUrl !endswith ""
    and RemoteUrl !endswith ""
| where RemoteIPType == "Public"
| project

//Advanced Hunting query

//Data connector required for this query - Advanced Hunting license

| where InitiatingProcessFileName contains "excel.exe"
| where InitiatingProcessCommandLine contains ".xlsm" or InitiatingProcessCommandLine contains ".xltm"
| where RemoteIPType == "Public"
//Exclude Microsoft telemetry endpoints 
| where RemoteUrl !endswith "" 
    and RemoteUrl !endswith ""
    and RemoteUrl !endswith ""
    and RemoteUrl !endswith ""
    and RemoteUrl !endswith ""
    and RemoteUrl !endswith ""
| project
//"Now we know that every time a user clicks on 'Enable Editing; or 'Enable //Content', Microsoft Office will add the path to the document as a Registry //value under the program's TrustRecords key.

| where RegistryKey has @"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Excel\Security\Trusted Documents\TrustRecords"
| where RegistryValueName has "xlsm"
| project Timestamp, DeviceName, RegistryValueName

| where RegistryKey has @"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Word\Security\Trusted Documents\TrustRecords"
| where RegistryValueName has "docm"
| project Timestamp, DeviceName, RegistryValueName
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