365 Information Barrier


What’s involved


Verify that you have the required licenses and permissions

Verify that your directory includes data for segmenting users

Enable scoped directory search for Microsoft Teams

Make sure audit logging is turned on

Remove Address book policies

Provide admin consent for Microsoft Teams using PowerShell.

Part 1: Segment UAT users

Define UAT users and groups for IB segments

Identify which attributes to use for UAT segments

Define UAT segments for IB policies

Part 2: Define UAT IB policies

Define UAT IB Policies

Part 3: Apply UAT IB policies

Set UAT IB policies to active status

Monitor and Test UAT IB policy

Troubleshoot UAT IB policy if needed

Part 4: Segment PROD users

Define PROD users and groups for IB segments

Identify which attributes to use for PROD segments

Define PROD segments for IB policies

Part 5: Define PROD IB policies

Define PROD IB Policies

Part 6: Apply PROD IB policies

Set PROD IB policies to active status

Monitor and Test PROD IB policy

Troubleshoot PROD IB policy if needed



Verify that you have the required licenses and permissions

Microsoft 365 E5/A5

Office 365 E5/A5

Office 365 Advanced Compliance

Microsoft 365 Compliance E5/A5

Microsoft 365 Insider Risk Management

Targeted users for IB must have an EXO license



Remove an address book policy in Exchange Online | Microsoft Docs



Turn audit log seaTurn audit log search on or off – Microsoft 365 Compliance | Microsoft Docs

rch on or off – Microsoft 365 Compliance | Microsoft Docs



Admin consent for information barriers in Microsoft Teams – When your IB policies are in place, they can remove non-IB compliance users from Groups (i.e. Teams channels, which are based on groups). This configuration helps ensure your organization remains compliant with policies and regulations. Use the following procedure to enable information barrier policies to work as expected in Microsoft Teams.


Run the following PowerShell cmdlets:

Connect-AzAccount -Tenant “<yourtenantdomain.com>”  //for example: Connect-AzAccount -Tenant “Contoso.onmicrosoft.com”


$sp=Get-AzADServicePrincipal -ServicePrincipalName $appId

if ($sp -eq $null) { New-AzADServicePrincipal -ApplicationId $appId }

Start-Process  “https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/adminconsent?client_id=$appId”


UAT Block policies will be deployed

<insert policy names here>

<insert policy names here>

<insert policy names here>

<insert policy names here>

<insert policy names here>

<insert policy names here>


UAT Segments

Company Names will be used to define segments

<insert segment names here>

<insert segment names here>

<insert segment names here>

<insert segment names here>

<insert segment names here>

<insert segment names here>



Define information barrier policies – Microsoft 365 Compliance | Microsoft Docs

UAT Security Groups will be used for scoping of users so the UAT IB policy will use MemberOf attribute

<insert security group names here>

<insert security group names here>



PROD Block policies will be deployed

<insert policy names here>

<insert policy names here>

<insert policy names here>

<insert policy names here>

<insert policy names here>

<insert policy names here>



PROD Segments

Company Names will be used to define segments

<insert segment names here>

<insert segment names here>

<insert segment names here>

<insert segment names here>

<insert segment names here>

<insert segment names here>



Define information barrier policies – Microsoft 365 Compliance | Microsoft Docs

PROD Security Groups will be used for scoping of users so the PROD IB policy will use MemberOf attribute


<insert security group names here>

<insert security group names here>


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