WordPress Stripe Plugin – Accept Custom Multi Currency Amounts

Recently I had a customer needing to take custom amounts decided by the customer through a Stripe Payment on his wordpress Site, however he needed to take multi currencies

The WordPress Stripe Plugin backend only allows you to set one currency to the below will bring up your site currency

<p style=”text-align: left;”><a href=”https://domain.com/stripe-payment-terminal/”>
</a>[accept_stripe_payment name=”Payment” button_text=”PayNow” billing_address=”1″ ]</p>

To get a new currency to show, add Currency=’New Currency Code’

<p style=”text-align: left;”><a href=”https://domain.com/stripe-payment-terminal/”>
</a>[accept_stripe_payment name=”Payment” button_text=”PayNow” billing_address=”1″ currency=”EUR” ]</p>


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