The Web uses port 443 ( SSL ) TCP
The client uses port 1090 TCP
The client Auth used 1091 TCP
These all need to be open on the router for iManage URL connection to work externally. Also the below registry items need to be set for it to force the client to use a dedicated port instead or the normal client default
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Interwoven\Worksite\8.0\Common\Options] "Use Hosted DM"="Y" "Hosted DM ServicePort"=dword:00000442 ( Decimal 1090 ) "Enable Hosted DM SSL"="Y"
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Interwoven\Worksite\8.0\Common\Options] "Use Hosted DM"="Y" "Hosted DM ServicePort"=dword:00000442 "Enable Hosted DM SSL"="Y"