Sent items dissappear during an exchange migration between operators and secretaries due to mixes of Exchange 2010 and 2003 for example:
- Exchange2003User1
- Exchange2003User2
- Exchange2010User3
Current Enviroment 2003 : When I send from Exchange2003User1 onbehalf of Exchange2003User2 at the moment it puts the email in the Sent Item of Exchange2003User1
Secretary 2003 and Operator 2010 : When I send from Exchange2003User1 ( 2003 Mailbox ) onbehalf of Exchange2010User3 it replicates the above and puts the Sent Item of Exchange2003User1
Secretary 2010 and Operator 2003 : When I send from Exchange2010User3 onbehalf of Exchange2003User1 the sent email disappears ( does not get stored anywhere )
This means we will need to migrate all the operators before the secretaries move, and the secretaries can move one at a time after. Hope this helps now with UAT group!
Exchange Commands
In Exchange 2010 you can configure this server side to duplicate to both sender and from address.
Set-MailboxSentItemsConfiguration <mailbox id> [-SendAsItemsCopiedTo [Sender|SenderAndFrom]] [-SendOnBehalfOfItemsCopiedTo [Sender|SenderAndFrom]]
Outlook Commands
*NB Outlook will need to be in Cached Mode
Consider the following scenario. You use Outlook 2010 and are a delegate for your manager. Even though theDelegateSentItemsStyle registry value is set to 1, an email message that you send on behalf of your manager is saved in yourSent Items folder.
Key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Outlook\Preferences
Name: DelegateSentItemsStyle
Value: 1