How to Deploy Scheduled Tasks Remotely SCHTASKS and BatchPatch

Recently a Webroot Bug :  and Had caused Netlogon service to not start on some machines which stops group policy running. We needed to deploy the following which ran a script when it detected netlogon stopped : 

SCHTASKS /Create  /TN “System_NETLOGON_5820” /TR c:\Scripts\netstartnetlogon.cmd /SC ONEVENT /RL Highest /RU SYSTEM /EC SYSTEM /MO “*[System[Provider[@Name=’NETLOGON’] and EventID=5820]]” /F

With netstartnetlogon.cmd stored on the local machine in C:\Scripts\containing “net start netlogon”

You can deploy a schedule task remotelty using : 

SCHTASKS /Create /s %machinename%  /TN “System_NETLOGON_5820” /TR c:\Scripts\netstartnetlogon.cmd /SC ONEVENT /RL Highest /RU SYSTEM /EC SYSTEM /MO “*[System[Provider[@Name=’NETLOGON’] and EventID=5820]]” /F

Then Run it remotely using 

SCHTASKS /run /s %machinename%  /TN “System_NETLOGON_5820”

However it seemed a long method to go through all the machines with this. I used BatchPatch to deploy the netstartnetlogon.cmd files into the Folder on each machine , then used the Deploy Software/Patch/Script/Regkey to deploy and run the file : 


Which containned : 

SCHTASKS /Create /TN “System_NETLOGON_5820” /TR c:\Scripts\netstartnetlogon.cmd /SC ONEVENT /RL Highest /RU SYSTEM /EC SYSTEM /MO “*[System[Provider[@Name=’NETLOGON’] and EventID=5820]]” /F
SCHTASKS /Run /TN “System_NETLOGON_5820”

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