Deploying Sharepoint Lists stssync : Do you want to allow this website to open a program on your computer?

After deploying some sharepoint lists using Group Policy via Microsoft Outlook 2016/Account Settings/SharePoint Lists

The Lists would not add unless the user had clicked Allow to this error : 

Do you want to allow this website to open a program on your computer?

Image result for Do you want to allow this website to open a program on your computer?

From: companyweb

Program: Microsoft Outlook

Address: stssync://sts/?ver=1.1&type=tasks&cmd=add-folder&base-url=http%3A%2F%2Fcompanyweb&list-url=%2FLists%2FTasks%2F&guid=%7Bcf8bbfb4%2D575b%2D4dce%2Da800%2D5b34ac1786f1%7D&site-name=Corporate%20Intranet&list-name=Tasks

This error can stopped being displayed by deploying the below reg key : 

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ProtocolExecute

Add Key stssync

In that Key Create a Dword :  “WarnOnOpen=dword:00000000.”

For this to apply to All users on the machine apply to the Key’s below

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ProtocolExecute\stssync

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ProtocolExecute\stssync

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