Setting up Guest and Corporate Wifi on DAP-2590

Prepare the Switch Config

Vlan ID 1 = Guest

Vlan ID 10 = Corporate

Access point ports and controllers should be Untagged with VlanID 1 and Tagged with Vlan 10

Guest Wifi Internet Input should be Untagged with Vlan 1 as well as your Management port you control the switch with

Input of Corporate Network into the switch needs to be Tagged port 10

Access point configuration

  1. Check you are not using an Array of AP’s and if you are you are, log into the Master AP in your array. Any other access point you login to the changes will not save

2) Create a new SSID with password

Enabled VLAN Status

Create VID 1 Default per below and Corp for Vlan ID 

Change the PVID settings to 

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