Squarespace Fix errors on your AMP pages

Recently I got errors

Height: The attribute logo.height has an invalid value.
Width: The attribute logo.width has an invalid value.

Per here : https://developers.google.com/structured-data/rich-snippets/articles

Logos should have a wide aspect ratio, not a square icon.
Logos should be no wider than 600px, and no taller than 60px.
Always retain the original aspect ratio of the logo when resizing. Ideally, logos are exactly 60px tall with width <= 600px. If maintaining a height of 60px would cause the width to exceed 600px, downscale the logo to exactly 600px wide and reduce the height accordingly below 60px to maintain the original aspect ratio.

I resized my site logo to under 60PX and all was well 🙂


If you are getting “A value for the image field is required” it means you need to upload a thumbnail to the blog post which can be found in the settings options of the Post

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