Blackberry Enterprise Server – Only Remote SQL Available Local Greyed Out

I was installing Blackberry Enterprise Server 5.03 on a Small Business Server 2008 Box. Following through the receommend guide here

However after the reboot of the server it brought up the Database Management prompt and would not allow me to select a Local Server even though I had asked the Blackberry setup to create a New Database. Looking through the SQL Server 2005 Configuration it didn’t look like the BLACKBERRY Database had been setup. After a brief look online it looks like the blackberry account ( besadmin ) setup needs to modify through Active Directory via the following:

Account tab > Account options: Select option: Use Kerberos DES encryption types for this account.

I made the change, uninstalled the software and went through re installation again , and after the reboot , the database had been created this time and setup was able to complete

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