Things I didWorkout at least twice during each day ( 10K run at Lunch and 1-2 hours Cycling Swiming in the evening )Start Eating Breakfast! Muslei and […]
Category: Research
Research Undertaken
Remote Desktop Server not Saving Password
Recently was trying to save credentials logging into a management server and it would ask for a password each time Computer configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Remote Desktop Services\Remote Desktop Connection […]
Ubiquiti Access Points – auto disabled Wireless
Setting up some new Ubiquiti Wifi Access points, on reboot the Wifi SSID would show for a bit then disappear. A look at the Radio’s on the […]
Understanding Mimecast Audit Logs
Failed authentication for XXXX, Date: 2019-11-26, Time: 13:26:01 AEDT, IP: X.X.X.X, Application: MfO, Method: IWA, Reason: Wrong password Failed authentication for XXXX, Date: 2019-11-22, Time: 15:13:23 AEDT, IP: […]
Windows 10 – 1903\1909 Windows Start Bar – Cannot Search
Either go to a working Windows 10 Machine or download files from hereTake Ownership of C:\programdata\Microsoft\Windows\AppRepository ( and Subfolders ) Then Open C:\programdata\Microsoft\Windows\AppRepository ( Click Continue to add […]
URL’s to Whitelist for Webroot
Agent communication and updates=============================*.webrootcloudav.comAgent messaging==============*.webroot.comManagement portal and support ticket logs upload==========================================*.webrootanywhere.comAgent file downloading and***Web Filtering (elasticbeanstalk is an Amazon AWS domain)
Admin permissions required when deleting from desktop with UPDs
Possibly caused by updates this week.You need to delete the Recycle bin that is within the user profile section. You can either shadow the user and browse to […]
Microsoft Windows Server User CAL – LS-40627 vs R18-05766
Recently looking at some charity licensing where I found 2 sets of Windows Server User Cals ( SKU: LS-40627 ) ( SKU: R18-05766 ) The first one was […]
How to backup and restore a SQL Database
If the SQL databases are in simple recovery[pastacode lang=”sql” manual=”Backup%0A%0AALTER%20DATABASE%20dbname%0A%0ASET%20READ_ONLY%3B%0A%0AGO%0A%20%0A%0ABackup%20database%20dbname%0A%0Ato%20disk%20%3D%20’C%3A%5C…%5Cdbname.bak’%0A%0A%20%0ARestore%0A%0A%0ARestore%20database%20dbname%0A%0Afrom%20disk%20%3D%20%20’C%3A%5C…%5Cdbname.bak’%0A%0Awith%20recovery%2C%20replace%0A%0A%20%0A%0AALTER%20DATABASE%20dbname%0A%0ASET%20MULTI_USER%3B%0A%0AGO” message=”” highlight=”” provider=”manual”/]If the databases are in full recovery model[pastacode lang=”sql” manual=”Backup%0A%0ABackup%20database%20dbname%0A%0Ato%20disk%20%3D%20’C%3A%5C…%5Cdbname.bak’%0A%0ABackup%20log%20dbname%0A%0Ato%20disk%20%3D%20’C%3A%5C…%5Cdbname.trn’%0A%0Awith%20norecovery%0A%0A%20%0ARestore%0A%0A%20%0ARestore%20database%20dbname%0A%0Afrom%20disk%20%3D%20’C%3A%5C…%5Cdbname.bak’%0A%0Awith%20norecovery%2C%20replace%0A%0ARestore%20log%20test2%0A%0Afrom%20disk%20%3D%20’C%3A%5C…%5Cdbname.trn’%0A%0Awith%20recovery%0A%20″ message=”” highlight=”” provider=”manual”/]
iManage – Generate Email Button Greyed out Imanage
Make sure the user has “Full Access” to the folder and just not “Read\Write”