Recently I got hold of a Fortinet Lab FG-100D. The Fan in this unit is around 50db and not suitable for a lounge. The device is not […]
Category: Research
Research Undertaken
Failed to start the virtual machine ‘DockerDesktopVM’ because one of the Hyper-V components is not running.
Trying to Run Docker on a Windows 10 Desktop VM in Vmware I got the following docker errorFailed to start the virtual machine ‘DockerDesktopVM’ because one of […]
Super Useful Veeam Backup Calculators
Work out how much Space out bandwidth Calculator It is not a good idea to target the primary and backup copy job to the same repository as this […]
N-able Take Control Australian Servers
I needed to allows N-able Take Control The guide online showed that we had to whitelist * , however the firewall could not whitelist Wildcard address. The static […]
.\AzureMfaNpsExtnConfigSetup.ps1 – search criteria and provider name ‘NuGet’
VERBOSE: PowerShell meta provider initialization failed.VERBOSE: PowerShell meta provider initialization failed.PackageManagement\Import-PackageProvider : No match was found for the specified search criteria and provider name‘NuGet’. Try ‘Get-PackageProvider -ListAvailable’ […]
Valimail – Mostly failing forwarders
Sender Rewriting Scheme (SRS) functionality was added to Office 365 ( and other platforms ) to resolve a problem in which autoforwarding is incompatible with SPF.SRS rewriting […]
Take ownership of an unmanaged 365 tenancy to go through this process for a customer, because their VLSC account was setup at some stage in the past using licensing@ VLSC account as a […]
Synology Snapshot : there is no iscsi lun in your system
You lun needs to be Thin Provisioned not thick
Powershell – How to report on Windows Updates for a server over a yearly Period
For auditing purposes you will need to report on the updates install on a server and the install status. Below is a powershell script that does just […]
How to Fix 2008 R2 Not booting due to can’t find operating system after Windows Update
Boot to recover mode. Disks weren’t detected.FIXED: Windows installations detected / corrupted bootFIXED:’t boot because Windows cannot verify digital signatureFIXED: