Thales Cipher Trust Manager Backup Script via Powershell and API

# KeySecure API endpoint and POST params$keysecures = @(“%KeysecureIPorDNS%”)#Import Credentials from Credential XML, this is protected by file level application for security Format <Credentials><Credential><Name\User\Password>keysecure</Name\User\Password></Credential></Credentials>$credxml = Select-Xml -Path […]


Create Virtual Sensorhttp:// Virtual Sensor Sub Typehttp:// to set Value of Devicehttp:// not working on rebootsudo service restart

How to clear old Tomstoned files from DFS for Resync

Navigate to the Drive you have your DFS replicated folder on in powershell CD D:\md d:\emptyfolderRobocopy.exe d:\emptyfolder “D:\System Volume Information\dfsr\Private” /purgerd d:\emptyfolderRemove-Item -Path .\DFRS\ -Recurse -Force -VerboseCheck Replication […]