InTune – Copy file using PowerShell to the computer from an Azure Blob location

  1. Setup an Azure subscription if you haven’t got this already, this will be used for Billing. The storage is under a 1$/Month for 1 GB space 
  2. Create a Storage Container in the right Azure Region with the correct redundancy ( Local Redundancy Storage in Cheaper ) . Use General Purpose V2!
  3. Create a Blob Container in this Storage Resource
  4. Use Storage Explorer to upload files here

  5. Upload what file you would like to deploy
  6. Right click on the file and choose “Get Shared Access Signatue”

I set a 100 Year Expiry , and leave access as Read Only

It will give you URI and query string

Copy the URI ONLY up to the file name ( nothing after e.g. the example below )  and put in $BlobUri

Copy the FULL Query String and put in $Sas

Change the Output Path which will need to exist with a trailing \, this example I have used the Users Desktop

#Variables ( Use the Azure Storage Explorer to get the URI ( Shared Access Signature ) of the file and copy the first part up to the file name in BlobURI and the Query String to the Sas) 
#You will need a new Sas for each file

$BlobUri = ’’
#Output Path with \ on the end
$OutputPath = ’C:\Users\’ + $env:UserName + ’\Desktop\’

#Gets full Uri
$FullUri = "$BlobUri$Sas"
#Downloads file to outpath with correct file type and file found in BlobURI
(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($FullUri, $OutputPath + ($BlobUri -split ’/’)[-1])

Deploy this powershell file via Device Config Scripts

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