Microsoft Windows Server User CAL – LS-40627 vs R18-05766

Recently looking at some charity licensing where I found 2 sets of Windows Server User Cals ( SKU: LS-40627 ) ( SKU: R18-05766 ) The first one was […]

How to backup and restore a SQL Database

If the SQL databases are in simple recovery[pastacode lang=”sql” manual=”Backup%0A%0AALTER%20DATABASE%20dbname%0A%0ASET%20READ_ONLY%3B%0A%0AGO%0A%20%0A%0ABackup%20database%20dbname%0A%0Ato%20disk%20%3D%20’C%3A%5C…%5Cdbname.bak’%0A%0A%20%0ARestore%0A%0A%0ARestore%20database%20dbname%0A%0Afrom%20disk%20%3D%20%20’C%3A%5C…%5Cdbname.bak’%0A%0Awith%20recovery%2C%20replace%0A%0A%20%0A%0AALTER%20DATABASE%20dbname%0A%0ASET%20MULTI_USER%3B%0A%0AGO” message=”” highlight=”” provider=”manual”/]If the databases are in full recovery model[pastacode lang=”sql” manual=”Backup%0A%0ABackup%20database%20dbname%0A%0Ato%20disk%20%3D%20’C%3A%5C…%5Cdbname.bak’%0A%0ABackup%20log%20dbname%0A%0Ato%20disk%20%3D%20’C%3A%5C…%5Cdbname.trn’%0A%0Awith%20norecovery%0A%0A%20%0ARestore%0A%0A%20%0ARestore%20database%20dbname%0A%0Afrom%20disk%20%3D%20’C%3A%5C…%5Cdbname.bak’%0A%0Awith%20norecovery%2C%20replace%0A%0ARestore%20log%20test2%0A%0Afrom%20disk%20%3D%20’C%3A%5C…%5Cdbname.trn’%0A%0Awith%20recovery%0A%20″ message=”” highlight=”” provider=”manual”/]

delete fortigate hardware switch

By default Fortigates come with all their LAN interfaces on a hardware switch. You might want to change this so you can use these as seperate interfacesDelete […]


Recently in the server logs I saw lots of attempts to /xmlrpc.php/xmlrpc.php is the file used for Pingbacks, so if someone links to my blog , they […]

Measuring Hyper V Disk Rate Change

You can collect data characteristics for the virtualmachines in a VPG in one of the following ways: By using operating system performance monitors, such as the Microsoft Performance […]

How to find Local Administrator Password Set in MDT

Naviate to your DeploymentShare and Open up the Task Sequence in the Control DirectoryC:\DeploymentShare\Control\TaskSequence1Open Unattend.xml Search for AdministratorPassword in this fileYou should see the password in plaintext