Trying to login to a brand new Aruba 2930F with default credentials and SSH closed with too many authentication failures I had to login to the HTTP://IPOFSWITCH […]
Author: paris
Out of Office Messages from Mimecast going to Defender Anti Phishing Quarantine
This organisation had a A DMARC “p=quarantine” policy DMARC record When an Automatic Reply is sent , it actually leaves the Env Sender (RFC5321.MailFrom) Blank ( Null ) […]
Azure Kubernetes – Reinstall Metrics server\ Ingress Nginx and Cert Manager due to Crash loop
Delete the Workload in Azure that has failed and run the below to re-add them
Solver Excel vsto – Access to the Path is Denied
This is blocked by the ASR Rule “Block Office applications from creating executable content” You can whitelist the Path C:\Users\*\Temp\*\*\*\*.application
Stop “Continue connecting?” on WiFi
Issue was the old expired Certificates were on the Personal store , removing the old ones fixed this You can automate this in Intune below
HDX RealTime Media Engine Process Names
HdxTeams.exe \ HdxRtcEngine.exe
login to azure kubernetes cluster
How to add everyone except external users to sharepoint site
kubernetes Upgrade autoscaling/v2beta2
To get a list of Horizontal Pod Autoscalers in the cluster, use the following command: kubectl get hpa No resources found in default namespace. Stop Azure Kubernetes […]
Azure Kubernetes namespaces is forbidden: User “” cannot list resource “namespaces” in API group “” at the cluster scope
Add user to Azure Kubernetes Service Cluster Admin RoleAzure Kubernetes Service RBAC Cluster Admin Then