When opening email from a Find / Search in Outlook 2003 you get “can’t open this item” Is you use custom forms this is due to the custom […]
Nitro PDF Group Policy Registry Settings
I wanted to disable the “Tell me if Nitro Pro is not the default viewer” option on startup for each user via group policy. We can set […]
Invoke Operation ‘Function’ Failed SilverLight App
When trying to run a silverlight app the following error message is displayed on a client Invoke Operation ‘Function Name’ Failed – specificed resource was not found […]
Independaent Management Architecture Service not Starting
Recently a specific Citrix server in a farm was not accepting any new connections even though login was set to allow and RDP connections were working. A check […]
Check Send As Permissions for All Users in Exchange 2010
Needed to check all users who had SEND AS Permissions for someone else in the Exchange Enviroment apart from themselves and e.g. BESADMIN or other service accounts. Below […]
HP 4350 Printer Trays Resetting to Custom
Sometimes Paper Size of Trays of a 4350 printer are getting randomly changed from A4 to Custom , which means when users next print to it , […]
What the Filing Green Icons in iManage/Worksite/Desksite and in Filing in EMM Mean
EMM ( Email Management ) Toolbar Filing Icons 8.5EMM ( Email Management ) Toolbar Filing Icons 9.3Stored in : C:\Program Files\Interwoven\WorkSite\iOutlook– Filed to Worksite– Filing Error– Filed […]
Citrix Reciever 4.1 Windows XP
Citrix have released Citrix Reciever 4.1 up from the previous version 4.0. Upon installing this on a machine with Citrix Reciever 4.0 installed , when trying to run […]
Exchange Group to Group Permissions for Inbox : found in Active Directory but isn’t valid to use for permissions.
**Update** Upon the below , I actually experienced this again , when I couldn’t break the Group down to members and add to another group. The issue […]
WordPress Hack
Recently a customer’s site was hacked from an out of date plugin. The hack was pretty cool and took me a few hours to decipher The hack […]