Regex To Remove Spam Links from WordPress Website

paydayloanscamRecently a wordpress site had multiple SQL injections into the content randomly throughout the 100 or so blog posts as per right. These included generic keywords such as :

  • levitra
  • cialis
  • payday
  • viagra
  • pharmacy
  • pfizer

The sites it linked to where :

Going through these with Search and Replace plugin was going to take ages , so I tried to look for a regex script. I can across the following , curtious of however this only looked for cetrain Div Tags. I needed something to remove Hyperlinks containing the above keywords. I modified the code to the below and placed into the functions.php file and ran with preview on then off and went through the keyword list. Cleared about 1000 links!!

//Enter keyword below to check for in hyperlinks ( the whole link )
    $spamkeyword = "spamkeyword";
    // By default only preview infected posts. Change to 0 to clean posts
    $preview_only = 1;
    // This is the pattern to search and replace with blank
    $pattern = '%<a href=[\"\'][^"]*?'.$spamkeyword.'.*?[\"\']>.*?</a>%';
    // This is the query to find suspicious posts using fast SQL query
    $query="SELECT ID, post_content from $wpdb->posts where post_content LIKE '%$spamkeyword%'";
    global $wpdb;
    $num_cleaned = 0;
    $posts = $wpdb->get_results($query);
    echo "Suspicious: ".count($posts)." ";
    if ($preview_only)
      echo "Post IDs: ";
    // go through all suspicious posts
    foreach ($posts as $post)
//echo   $post->post_content;
        if (!$preview_only)
            // try the pattern
            $new_content=preg_replace($pattern, '',  $post->post_content);
            // update the cleaned content
            if ($new_content!=$post->post_content) {
                    'post_content' => $new_content
                array( 'ID' => $post->ID ));
        else echo $post->ID." ";
    //UnComment Below to See Results of Preview before comitting
    //echo preg_replace($pattern, '',  $post->post_content);
    if (!$preview_only)
      echo "Cleaned: $num_cleaned";


regex Upon searching for help with this , I did have to smile at the irony of the Regex Help Website being hacked in the same fashion , although obviously all clear now!

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