How to List NextGEN Albums and Galleries in an Accordion Menu

I used the existing code here to generate a list of Albums and Galleries from NextGEN Gallery, then used used CSS to produce an Accordion Menu file structure

PHP Code : File Link Here Save this file in your plugins directory : nextgen-gallery/view as “album-list.php” , you can then call this in a wordpress page by using “[album id=0 template=list]” on the page

CSS Code Add this CSS to the bottom of your CSS File in your wordpress theme , edit for your own site color etc File Link Here

Once this has been done , organise your galleries and into albums , then this will start populating!
Link the bullet point image mentioned :
Due to Comments below I have added the whole Style.css based on twenty ten theme : and nggallery.css just in case it’s changed with a latest version of NextGen


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